2019六年级毕业考试英语模拟试题4 含答案

发布 2020-07-23 08:26:28 阅读 5130


等级:part i listening 第一部分听力。

共五大题。i. listen and hse.(听录音,选出你所听到的短语或单词。)

( )1. a. taller b. hall . than

( )2. a. sleep b. slept . skate

( )3. a. washed b. wathed . watered

( )4. a. was b. were . wear

( )5. a. baseball b. ftball . basketball

ii. listen and udge. (你所听到的句子是否与**相符,相符的写“t”, 不相符的写“f ”。

iii. listen and finish the dialgue. (听录音, 补全对话。)

liuyun: u yifan, yu lk s happy tday!

uyifan: yes, i h**e a gd tie n y hliday.

liuyunn yur hliday?

uyifan: i went t heilngiang.


uyifan: i went by train.

liuyun: hat did yu d there?



liuyun: i g with y parents.


iv. listen and nuber.(听录音, 排序。)

( )i rde a hrse.

( )hi, ay, hw was yur weekend?

( )hat are yu ging t d next weekend?

( )it was gd.

( )i a ging t visit y grandparents.

( )hat did yu d?

v. listen and write. (根据提示,听音写单词。)

part ii reading ≈ riting 第二部分读写。

共六大题。vi. read and write.(根据划线部分的发音, 为下面的单词找家。)

vii. read, hse and write.(读一读,选一选,写一写。)

1.--y father wrks at sea, he sees lts f fish every day, he ges t wrk by bike. s he is

a (pilt/fisheran).

2.--hat are his hbbies? -he likes (daning / dane) and singing.

3.--did yu (leaned /lean) yur r? -n, i didn’t. i wathed tv.

4.--hi! hw did yu g t shl yesterday? -i ( g / went) there by bus.

5.--hw ( he**y / tall) are yu? -i’ 50 kilgras.

viii. read and hse.(选择。)

( )1. a: hi, ay! i want t buy se bks. b: lk! there is a ver there.

a. bkstre b. pst ffie . pet shp

( )2. a: hat’s wrng with yu? b: i feel ill. a: yu shuld .

a. g t shl b. see a dtr . take a deep breath

( )3. it’s a light. yu an g nw.

a. red b. yellw . green

( )4. a: hell, hn! hat des yur ther d? b: .

a. she is a ah. b. she likes singing. .she lives in beiing.

( )5. a: hw tall are yu? b: i’ 1.65 etres. i’ than yu.

a: but i a than yu.

a. taller, yunger b. lnger, lder . saller, yunger

( )6. a: hat did yu d last weekend, ike? b: i and stayed at he all weekend.

a. h**e a ld b. had a ld . has a ld

( )7. a: last winter hliday? b: i went t sanya and it was beautiful there.

a. here are yu ging b. here did yu g . here d yu usually g

( )8. a: there n puters in y shl ten years ag.

b: nw there any puters in y shl.

a. was, is b. are, were . were, are

ix. read and hse the rret piture. (找出合适的**, 把字母代号写在题前括号内。)

( )1. a: hw des ike feel?

b: nt well. he is sad. he has a ld. let’s g t the hspital.

( )2. a: h is taller, ay r hn?

b: ay is taller than hn. hn is taller than sarah.

( )3. a: hat are yu ging t d next weekend? b: i’ ging t take a trip.

( )4. last weekend ay stayed at he and read a bk all weekend.

( )5. a: did yu g t sanya by plane? b: n, i didn’t. i went there by train.

x. lets wrap it up. (读一读,补全对话。)

上个周末,同学们做了什么? 请你根据下面的**,完成下面的对话。

see a filwath tvread a bkikehn

ayike: hi, hn! hw yur last weekend?

hn: hi, ike! it was fine.

ike: hat did yu d?

hn: i wath tv. i . the bk was interesting. i like it very uh. hat abut yu, ike?

ike: i didn’t , either. i saw a fil. lk , ay is ing.

hn: hi, ay! hat did yu d last weekend?

ay: i didn’t . i read a bk. i like reading stries.

xi. read and write.(阅读短,完成下面的问题。)

hi, i sarah. last weekend i had a happy day.

i visited y unle and aunt in hangzhu. i went there by bus. i gt t hangzhu at abut 10:

00 in the rning. then y aunt, y usin---tny and i tk a taxi t the est lake(西湖). e went there quikly beause y unle is a taxi driver.

e rwed the bat n the lake.

then we went t the taiziwan park n ft. it was a ht day. the sun was shining in the sky.

e felt ht and hungry. e sat under a big tree and had ur lunh. e ate bread, range uie, haburger, ilk and se bananas.

tny saw a fish in the water. s we fed (feed,喂养) the fish with bread. re and re fish swa t us and pened their uths.

e fed the. e were very happy that day.

was sarah’s weekend?

did sarah g t hangzhu?

des sarah’s unle d?

they h**e lunh in the park?


part i listening 第一部分听力共五大题。


本次英语试题共分为两部分:听力部分(listening)和读写部分(reading and writing)。听录音前要认真阅读题目要求,仔细观察**,每小题录音听两遍。

i. listen and hse.(听录音,选出你所听到的短语或单词。)

1. i’ taller than yu. 2.

ann slept well last night. 3. y brther washed the lthes yesterday.

4. ere yu at the library last sunday? 5.

uld yu like t play basketball?

ii. listen and udge. (你所听到的句子是否与**相符,相符的写t 不相符的写f 。)

1. -des ay like ding wrd puzzles? -yes, she des.

2. -is yur aunt a fatry wrker? -n, she isn’t.

---hat des she d? -she is a sientist.

3. -what’s the weather like tday? -it’s snwy.

---hat shuld i d? -yu shuld wear war lthes.

4. -hat are yu ging t d this afternn? -i’ ging t buy a pair f shes.

5. -hw des yur father g t wrk? -he ges t wrk by bus.

iii. listen and finish the dialgue. (听录音, 补全对话。)

liuyun: uyifan, yu lk s happy tday!

uyifan: yes ,i h**e a gd tie n y hliday.

liuyun: here did yu g n yur hliday?

uyifan: i went t hei lngiang.

liuyun: hw did yu g there?

uyifan: i went by train.

liuyun: hat did yu d there ?

uyifan: i went skiing and visited y unle.

liuyun: h did yu g with?

liuyun: i g with y parents.

uyifan: it is very nie.

iv. listen and nuber.(听录音, 排序。)

1. hi, ay, hw was yur weekend? 2.

it was gd. 3. hat did yu d?

4. i rde a hrse. 5.

hat are yu ging t d next weekend? 6. i a ging t visit y grandparents.

v. listen and write. (根据提示,听音写单词。)

brther green grapes bread




i.(每小题2分,共10分) a b a b

ii.((每小题2分,共10分) t t t f f

iii.(每小题2分,共10分) b e a d

iv.((每小题1分,共6分) 4 1 5 2 6 3

v.(每个单词1分,共4分) brther green grapes bread

vi.(每个单词1分,共6分)ther father that; thin thank ath

vii.(每小题2分,共10分)1. fisheran 2. daning 4. went

viii.(每小题2分,共16分)a b a a b b

ix.(每小题2分,共10分) b a e d

x.(每小题2分,共10分)1. was 2. didn’t 3. read a bk 4. wath tv 5. see a fil


was happy / fine/ gd/k. 2. she went there by bus.

3. he is a taxi driver. 4. yes, they did.


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