
发布 2020-05-20 19:36:28 阅读 5451


模拟试题(1) 班级姓名学号

一。 请你找出下列各组单词中不同类的一项。(共10分)

) 1. a. tigerb. monkey c. monthd. lion

) 2. a. busb. carc. truckd. kite

) 3. a. swimb. waterc. wordd. play

) 4. a. appleb. orangec. riced. banana

) 5. a. firstb. twoc. fived. ten

) 6. a. longb. shortc. fatd. watch

) 7. a. herb. hisc. youd. my

) 8. a. teacher b. presentc. workerd. doctor

) 9. a. chinab. englishc. japand. america

) 10. a. juice b. biscuitc. riced. bread

二。 按词后要求,写出下列各词不同形式。(10分)

1. no (同音词2. we (宾格。

3. watch (复数4. tooth (复数。

5. down (反义词6. good (比较级。

7. do (第三人称单数8. wind (形容词。

9. two (序数词10. our (同音词。

三。 选择填空。 (15分)

) 1. my coat __blue. how about yours?

a. is b. are c. am

) read __lesson 1 __lesson 3.

a. from; to b. out; to c. for; to

) 3. could you put the book __the desk?

a. to b. in c. from

) 4. i think this toy is jim’s. please give __to __

a. it, he b. it, his c. it, him

) 5. there __a new pen and some new erasers in her pencil-box.

a. am b. are c. is

) 6. today is tom’s birthday. this cake is __him.

a. of b. for c. to

) 7. ben is fromhe speaks __

a. america, english b. american, english c. english, america

) 8. it’s time __lunch.

a. for b. at c. on

) 9. i like __football.

a. play b. playing c. plays

) 10. jim and __are in the same row. tom is between __

a. i, us b. me, us c. me, we


) 1. can i borrow your pena. i’m from hangzhou.

) 2. can you speak chineseb. i would like some milk, please.

) 3. who’s on duty todayc. she is a teacher.

) 4. what would you like to drinkd. only a little.

) 5. hello! where are you frome. certainly. here you are.

) 6. what does your mother dof. it’s nine o’clock.

) 7. do you like swimmingg. i am.

) 8. does he come from japanh. yes, i do.

) 9let’s go to school togetheri. no, he comes from china.

) 10. what time is it nowj. all right.

五。 用所给词或短语填空,把所选项的填在题前的括号内。(12分)

) 1. there is a big treethe picture.

) 2can you tell me the way to the bus stop?

) 3the car is coming.

) 4. look! some birds arein the sky.

) 5go to school together.

) 6. the clock isthe light and the telephone.

六。 猜出画线单词或词组的意思,将正确答案填在括号内。(7分)

) 1. hainan is an island. taiwan is also an island.

a. 海峡 b. 岛 c. 大陆。

) 2. the two boys are standing face to face.

a. 头碰头地 b. 背靠背地 c. 面对面地。

) 3. miss white is her parents’ apple of the eye.

a. 掌上明珠 b. 高级苹果 c. 眼中红人。

) 4. five times three is fifteen.

a. 次 b. 乘以 c. 除以。

) 5. please colour the pictures.

a. 颜色 b. 着色 c. 多姿多彩。

) 6. the man in the yellow coat is liming’s uncle.

a. 在…里 b. 穿着 c. 印着。

) 7. the baby fish has two small eyes.

a. 婴儿 b. 小的 c. 大的。

七。 按要求改写下列句子。(10分)

1. jane is going to see her grandma this sunday. (变为否定句)

janesee her grandma this sunday.

2. her teacher is in the office. (变一般疑问句)

in the office?

3. they are in their classroom. (对画线部分提问)

they?4. the boy’s name is peter. (对画线部分提问)

the boy’s name?

5. is there a new pen in your pencil-box? (作肯定回答)

yes八。 根据**内容,补全对话。 (6分)

a: a: what does he do at the weekend?b


听力部分 30分 一 听录音,选出所听单词的音标 5分 1 a dkt b d t c d t 2 a u b u c i 3 a rait b nait c lait 4 a bk b blk c baik 5 a hiz b hz c h z 二 听录音。将相应问句的序号填入括号内 16分 1 ...


语文。说明 本试卷共120分,其中卷面为5分,评卷时应酌情处理。考试时间为100分钟。一 听力测试。10分 1 文中的青年是谁?他最初的优点是什么?4分 2 他是怎样将自己的优点一点点放大的?3分 3 谈谈这篇文章给你的启发。3分 二 语文知识积累和运用。24分 4 下列根据注音写汉字有误的一组是 ...


东山县2013年小学毕业考试模拟卷。数学试卷。一 计算 27分 1 直接写出得数。8分 近似值符号的是估算题 2 求未知数x的值 4分 x 1.750.36 8 x 25 3 计算下列各题 15分 二 把正确的答案的序号写在括号里 10分 1 电视机厂为了能清楚地表示出上半年月产量的多少与增减变化的...