
发布 2020-05-18 21:14:28 阅读 6650



1.a.[’dkt] b.[d:t] c.[d :t]

2.a.[∫u:] b.[∫u] c.[∫i:]

3.a.[rait] b.[nait] c.[lait]

4.a.[bk] b.[blk] c.[baik]

5.a.[hiz] b.[hz] c.[h:z]


)1.how about this red one?

)2.would you please show them to me?

)3.can i help you?

)4.what can you see in the zoo?

)5.do you live in a small village?

)6.can i go with you?

)7.where are you from?

)8.where is she?


1.su hai is as tall as su yang.

2.how can i get to the shopping centre?

3.what are you going to do tomorrow?

4.i want to make a model plane.

5.whose bag is he**ier,yours or mine?

6.does jim swim slower than d**id?

7.what’s the weather like today?

8.jim is not as strong as the other boys.

9.spring is a warm and sunny season.



1.[ ei ] a.sweater b.great c.please d.teacher

2.[i: ]a.bed b.policeman c bike d.eraser

3.[u] a.who b.brother c.dog d.old

4.[a:] a.bag b.apple c.aunt d.american

5.[ i ] a.high b.fine c.beautiful d.right




5.her(人称代词6.is not(缩写形式。





1.hello,may i speak to mr jin? 喂,我可以和金先生通话吗?

2.is liu ying in刘盈在学校吗?

3.this is tom,speaking. 我是汤姆,想和你说话。

4.can i help you,sir? 你能帮助我吗,先生?

5.what about the white dress? 这件白连衣裙,你认为如何?

6.sorry,i don’t like the colour. 太好了,我喜欢这颜色。


1.__class are you in?

a.how b.what c.who d.where

2.一can we put our coats here?

—oh,yes,put __here.

a.it b.her c.them d.their

3.the twins are

a.american b.america c.england

4.一how do you do?

a.i’m fine. b.how are you? c.how do you do?

5.what’s __name?

a.your friend’s b.your friends c.your friend

6.today is __day.

a.teacher’s b.teachers' c.teachers’s

7.__do you go there?

a.what b.who c.how

8.we __english.

a.speak b.are speak c.1isten

9.the young man on the bike __his friend.

a.am b.is c.are

10.we are

a.a nurse b.nurses c.a nurses


1.what colour are her eyes? a.sorry,i can’t

2.is it a map of jiangsu? b.he’s from america,i think.

3.can i sit herec.yes,i am.

4.are there english books on the desk? d.thank you.

5.which is your bag? e.ok.let’s go.

6.where’s sandy from? f.they’re black.

7.let’s play games. g.no,it’s a map of sichuan.

8.this present is for you. h.the green and old one.

9.can you speak japanese? i.yes,there are.

10.are you a new student in this class? j.sure,please.


a.let’s b.pretty c.game d.can e.from f.h**e g.present

h.birthday i.computer j.sure k.that

a:i l a new stamp.it’s 2 australia.

b:that’s great! 3 i h**e a look at it?

a: 4 .here you are.

b:how 5 ! i 1ike it.

a:yes.it’s my birthday 6 .

b:i h**e a 7 present,too.

a:what’s 8 ?

b:a 9 .


b: 10 play the computer 11 .


father:bill,don’t go to school today.


father:you h**e two younger brothers today.so i can’t send you to school and you look after your mother.

son:ok,i’d love to.

father:tomorrow you must tell your teacher about this.

son:dad,tomorrow l want to tell my teacher i h**e only one younger brother.


son:because i don’t want to go to school next monday.i can tell my teacher about the other younger brother next tuesday.

1.how many people are there in bill’s family?

a.three. b.four. c.five. d.six.

2.bill’s younger brothers are __

a.tall b.girls

c.one boy and one girl d.twins

3.why may bill stay at home today?

a.he is ill. b.his father is ill.


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