
发布 2020-05-18 21:12:28 阅读 8608


remember that no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value(价值). you are always valuable to those people who love you. your value doesn’t come from what you do or whom you know, but who you are.






b) i got home yesterday, my son was watching __tv while my daughter was playing __piano.

the b.不填,the a the

解析:watch tv 为固定词组,弹某种乐器应该在乐器前加the

a ) new car looks the same asbut different from __

a. yours, tom’s yours your tom


但是和tom 的不同,tom的应表述为名词所有格形式“tom’s”,因为前面已经提到车了,这里将car省略,直接填 tom’s.

c ) is an excellent doctor and he has s**ed many people’s lives. the word “lives” in this sentence is pronounced as __

a./livz/ b./livs/ c./laivz/ d./laivs/

解析:本题翻译为:他是一个杰出的医生和他挽救了许多人的生命。这里lives 是名词life/laif/的复数形式,因此音标应为/laivz/.

b )34.--what about going to the great wall this summer holiday?

---i don’t think it is a good __i h**e been there twice.

度假) 主意) 地方) 决定)


---我认为它(代指去长城那件事)不是一个好主意。 我曾去过那两次了。答案为idea

d )35.--will you please tell your father to call me tomorrow?

---sure. i’ll tell him __he comes back.

直到) 自从。。。到现在) 因为) soon as(一。。。就)


---当然了,当他一回来我就将告诉他。因此答案为:as soon as

b )36.--how soon will he finish the drawing?

abefore two hours two hours two hours d. in the past two hours

解析:本题的考查点为特殊疑问词“how soon 的意义”和“在将来时态中表达。。。以后”的用法;“how soon”翻译为多久以后,用于将来时态,在将来时态中表“在。。。

以后”应用“in +时间段”,答案为:in two hours.

c )37.--i think science is __maths. and i always fail in the exams.

---don’t give up. i’ll help you with them. you will be successful.

a. as exciting as interesting than difficult as than

解析:本题翻译为“--我认为自然科学是___的与数学相比。 和我总是在考试中不及格。

-不到放弃。 我将会帮你学它们。你将会成功的。

”根据回答,我将会帮助你学它们中的“它们”,可见上文所要表达的意思是“我两科都不及格,也就是感觉两科同样难”,答案选:as difficult as(…和。。。一样难)

d )38.--where is mr. green? i can’t find him?

---oh, he __to work

a. was le**ing been d. has gone

解析:强调某人不在说话地点应用句型“主语 h**e/has gone ”,答案为 has gone

b ) father worked the whole night. he is sleeping in the bedroom. would you mind __the tv a little?

up(调高) down(调低) to(翻到,转向) off(关闭)


根据翻译 turning up 与 turning to不合题意,因为本句最后有“a little”不可选“turning off” 答案为:turning down

a )40.--a tall buildingin songshan square next year

---yeah, about thirty –three floors.

be built building built built

解析:本题考查点为被动语态,主语“a tall building”与谓语动词“build”是被动关系,本题应该用被动语态,再根据时间“next year”,本题应为一般将来时,答案为:will be built.

d )41.--must i help you do the cooking , mum?

---err… i can do it myself. you __help me.

不能) 禁止) 不应该) 不必,不需要)

解析:本题考查点为:情态动词的用法。本题翻译为:“-我必须帮你做饭吗,妈妈? -呃。。。我能自己做。你不必帮助我。”答案为:needn’t

c ) told us to use internet to send e-mails to them, but none of us know __it

to use(用什么) can we use(我们怎样用) c. how to use(怎样用) d. what we can use(我们能用什么)


本句后面已经提到了it,所以a和d翻译不通,可以排除。b答案错在宾语从句应该用陈述语序,b的正确语序应为:how we can use.

答案为 how to use

d )43has your brother been in england?

---since the year 2010

什么时候) 为什么) soon(多长时间以后,常用于将来时) long(多长时间)

解析:本题考查点为特殊疑问词辨析。根据回答:“自从2023年到现在”表示一个时间段,答案为:how long.

a )44.--it will be awful to go to such a cold place. i can __skate __ski

--it doesn’t matter. i can teach you

a. neither, nor(既不。。。也不。。。


和。。。都) only, but also(不仅。。。而且。。。

解析:这里句首的it 为形式主语,根据“it will be awful to go to such a cold place.去那么冷的一个地方是糟糕的”可知下文要表达的意思是“我既不会滑冰又不会滑雪。

”答案为:neither, nor.

b )45.--will you be able to go downstairs and buy some salt for me?


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