
发布 2020-07-22 14:41:28 阅读 2768



listening part (听力部分)

i. listen and circle.(听录音,圈出正确答案)10 %

ii. listen and choose.(听音,选择)10%

1. a. mike is taller than lee. lee is taller than sue.

b. mike is shorter than lee. sue is shorter than lee.

c. mike is taller than lee, but shorter than sue.

)2. a. she had a fever last night.


b. she had a fever last no, she didn't.

)3. a. john went to the cinema yesterday john went to the cinema yesterday morning.

c. john went to the cinema with wu yifan yesterday afternoon.()4.

a. amy is at school amy had a cold.

c. amy went hiking last weekend.()5. a. she is going to see she saw she sees pandas.

iii. listen and fill in the blanks.(听音,填空)10%

1. the green bag isthan the blue one.2. -what'swith you?--my leg___

3. last sunday, ibasketballmy friends in the morning and___good food in the afternoon.

4did you go on your holiday? i went

writing part (笔试部分)

i. look and choose.(请你为下列**选择正确的词组)10%


ii. read and tick or cross.(读句子,判断正“√”误“×”10%

)1. she has the flu.

)2. john went swimming last saturday.()3.

chen jie went skiing on her holiday.()4. amy watered the flowers yesterday.

)5. john climbed a mountain last summer holiday.

iii. read and choose.(读一读,选择正确答句)10%

1. -how are you, mike? you look soit's raining outside.

i can't play happyb. excitedc. sad

)2.--sam is 160cm tall. ted is 10cm shorter than him. how tall isted?


a. 150cmb. 160cmc. 170cm

)3.--what's the matter?

---my leg __a. hurtsb. sorec. is hurts()4did you go on your holiday?


a. whatb. wherec. how()5.--did you __pictures yesterday?

a. takeb. tookc. taking

iv. read and choose.(读一读,选择正确答句)10%

) 1. does she teach math?a.

i am 160 cm tall.()2. how tall are you?

b. i feel sick.

) 3. how do you feel?c.

i went to xinjiang by bus.()4. what did you do last weekend?

d. yes, she does.

) 5. how did you go to xinjiang on your holiday?e.

i visited my grandparents.()6. what day is it today?

f. it's wednesday.()7.

where did you go yesterday?g. it's on january 1st.

()8. is she playing the violin now?h.

come in, please.()9. may i come in?

i. i went to shanghaiyesterday.

) 10. when is your birthday?j. yes, she is.


v. look and answer.(看图回答问题)10%

1)who is taller than john?(2)how does the woman feel?(3)what did she do last night?

4)how did you go to hangzhou on your holiday?

5)what is mike going to do this weekend?

vi. reading.(阅读短文,按要求完成题目)10%

hi, i'm jenny. last weekend i visited my uncle and aunt in hangzhou. i wentthere by bus.

i got to hangzhou at about 10:00 in the morning. then my aunt, mycousin---tony and i took a taxi to the west lake(西湖).

we went there quicklybecause my uncle is the taxi driver. we rowed the boat on the lake.

then we went to the taiziwan park on foot. it was a hot day. the sun wasshining in the sky.

we felt hot and hungry. we sat under a big tree and had our ate bread, orange juice, hamburger, milk and some bananas. tony saw a fish inthe water.

so we fed (feed,喂养) the fish with bread. more and more fish swam to usand opened their mouths. we fed them.

we were very happy that day.1.根据短文内容,判断正误。



) (1) tony lives in hangzhou.

) (2) jenny went to the west lake by train.()3) they had lunch under a big tree.()4) they fed fish in taiziwan park.

()5) jenny's father is a taxi driver.2.根据短文内容,给下列句子排序。

()jenny went to the taiziwan park.()jenny went to the west lake.()jenny took a taxi.

) jenny took a bus.()jenny fed the fish.

vii. writing.(请根据文字提示,续写短文,不少于5句话)10%

last weekend, amy's family were very busy



i. listen and circle (听录音,圈出正确答案) 10 %1. -what's the matter with you?

--i h**e a headache.2. -how do you feel?

--i feel sad.

3. -are you taller than your brother?--no, i'm not.

but he is stronger than me.4. -what did chen jie do last monday?

--she drew pictures with her friends.5. -how did you go to xinjiang?

--i went there by train.

ii. listen and choose.(听音,选择)10%1.

mike is taller than lee, but sue is taller than mike.2. what was the matter with sarah last night?

3. -where did you go yesterday afternoon, john?--i went to the cinema.

---did wu yifan go with you?

---yes, he did.

4. -did amy h**e a cold?


---yes, she did.

5. what is sarah going to do next weekend?

iii. listen and fill in the blanks.(听音,填空)10%1.

the green bag is he**ier than the blue one.2. -what's the matter with you?

--my leg hurts.

3. last sunday, i played basketball with my friends in the morning and ate good foodin the afternoon.

4. -how did you go on your holiday?

---i went by plane.



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