
发布 2020-07-22 14:14:28 阅读 3433

unit 1 how do you go there?

1.单词:plane 飞机 driver 司机 usa 美国 stop 停 ship 轮船 drive驾驶 dollar 美元 wait 等 subway地铁 right 右边 england 英国 go 去。

train 火车 left 左边 australia 澳大利亚 fast 快 bus 公交车 country 国家 bike=bicycle 自行车。

floor 楼层 again 依靠 however 然而 mean 含义,意思 expensive 贵 restaurant 饭店 ☆nature park : park 公园zoo 动物园 peak 山峰 lake 湖辨音:

p / b / t / d /

i: /peak beat team deal / i / pig big tin dish

2.短语:by plane by bike

by subway

by carby train

by theno. 12 bus

on foot





crosswalk 过马路 turn right 右转 one way 单行道 no enter 禁止入内 no left turn 禁止左转 no bikes 禁止自行车通行。

stop at a red light 红灯停 wait at a yellow light 黄灯等一等 go at a green light 绿灯行 nature park 自然公园 traffic light 交通灯 traffic rules 交通规则。

on the left / right of the road 路的左边/右边 let me see 让我想想 near my home 在我家附近 if you like 如果你愿意。

3.句型:1] how do you go to school?

i usually go to school on foot .sometimes i go by bike .what about you ?

2] how can i get / go to zhongshan park? you can go by the no. 15 bus.



i am a primary student. i always go to school by bike because our school is far from my home. sometimes i go to school by bus.

mike is my desk mate. he always goes to school on foot because his home is next to our school. lily is my best friend.

she goes to school on foot because our school is near her home. sometimes i take her with my bike, because her home is on my way to school. we go to school by different vehicles in different ways.


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