
发布 2020-07-21 05:14:28 阅读 7059


一、read and choose


a: hi, sarah. were you at home last weekend?

bi went to my grandparents’ home.

ab: no, i didn’t go fishing

ab: i helped my grandparents pick apples.

a: really? are you going to their farm next weekend?

b: yes

二、 read and choose the answers


during the summer holiday, my grandparents went to china. first they flew to beijing from london. then they went to guangzhou by train.

when they went to my home, i wanted to help my grandpa carry his he**y bag, but he did it by himself. they bought many presents for us. i got a dress.

my brother got a toy plane. they took many dried fruits for us, they grew(种植) them by themselves. my grandparents are farmers.

they are hard-working people.

) 1. where are my grandparents from

a. beijingb. london.

) 2. how did my grandparents go to china

a. by planeb. by train.

) 3. what was my present

a. a dressb. a toy plane.

) 4. imy grandparents carry his bag

a. helpedb. didn’t help

) 5. my grandma is a

a. teacherb. farmer


mr. king has a car. in the morning he takes his children to school in his car.

then he drives to work. mr. king and his children do not h**e lunch at home but mrs.

king does. she doesn’t go to work. she stays at home, does some shopping and does some cleaning in the morning.

in the afternoon she usually goes to see some of her friends, has tea and talks a lot with them. then she cooks supper for her family. mr.

king comes back home much later than his children. the children do not come back in their father’s car. they take a bus home.

they usually come back home before five.

)1. mr king goes to work by car.

)2. mrs king doesn’t h**e lunch at home.

)3. mrs king is a housewife.

)4. the children go back home by car.

)5. they children come back home late.

三、choose the words and finish the paragraph (选择合适的词填空,使短文的内容完整,每词只能用一次,每条横线1分,共10分。)

going, thinner, friend, do, swimming, sunday, go, shorter, friends, were, went, younger, did)

mike and john are goodmike is 164cm. he is 4cmthan john, and___john is 14. mike is only 12.

mike isusually theyhomework together on sundays. lastthey __hiking andtheyhappy. next weekend, they’re __to the zoo.

四、write down the question according to the answers.(根据答句写问句。第小题2分,共10分)

no, his uncle doesn’t live in the city.

he is going to go skating.

3sun.it is sunday today.

they are watching folk dances.

it’s sunny today.

五.look and write(满分10分)


the summer holiday is coming.


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