
发布 2020-07-21 12:51:28 阅读 4253



一、 listen and number.听音、标号。10’

二、 listen and choose.听句子,将所听到的单词序号写在题前的括号内。10’

) 1. a. best b. birthdayc. because

) 2. a. climb b. cleanc. climbers

) 3. a. season b. secondc. skate

) 4. a. swim b. swingingc. spring

) 5. a. why b. whichc. when

三、 listen and choose.听对话,将正确的答案序号写在题前括号内。10’

) 1. a. yes, i get upb. i go to bed at 9:30.

) 2. a. i like swimmingb. i like spring best.

) 3. a. it’s sundayb. it’s june the 4th .

) 4. a. i’m can skate.

)5. a. it’s swinging. b. they’re fighting.

四、 listen, tick or cross.听短文判断正误,正确的写t,错误的写f。5’

) 1. john goes to school at 6:30.

) 2. john goes to school by bike.

) 3. john has 7 lessons a day.

) 4. john plays football with his friends after school.

) 5. john likes to swim in the sea.

五、listen and write.听音,填写所缺单词(注意大小写)。5’

1. -do you like winter, mike?

-- well, winter is good, but __is my f**ourite season.

2. -hello. can i speak to john, please? -hold on, please. he is

3. -can you see any monkeysyes. look, they are

4. -when is your birthdayit’s __1st .children’s day.

5. -when do youat 9:30 in the evening.


五、 read and judge.判断下列单词划线部分发音是(t)否(f)相同。10’

) 1. wait rain2. school cool

) 3. say sunday4. father brother

) 9. swim

七、read and write.写出下列单词的适当形式。10’




第三人称单数 shopping(中文。

形式 形式。

八、read and choose.找出不同类的单词或短语。10’

) 1. a. juneb. johnc. july

) 2. a. emailb. letterc. draw

) 3. a. youb. hisc. they

) 4. a. dinnerb. cookc .lunch

) 5. a. whiteb. whenc. which

九、read and number.情景对话,读一读,分别给下面两段对话排序。10’

) a.he is in the woodsa. they are happy.

) b.where is zhang pengb. what do you see?

) c. oh, let’s go and h**e a lookc. they’re drinking water.

) d. is he taking picturesd. i see two elephants.

) e. no, he isn’t. he is playing chesse. what are they doing?

十、readand choose.选择正确的序号写在题前括号内。10’

) 1. what do you do __the weekend?

a. onb. inc. at

) 2.__season do you like best?

a. which b. whatc. how

) 3. kate __playing chess.

a. amb. isc. are

) i speak __john?

a. forb toc. on

) 5they taking a picture?

---yes, they are.

a. amb. isc. are

) 6.--do you go to bed? -at 9:00

a. whatb. whenc. why

) 7.--when is children’s day? -it’s

a. july 1stb. september 1st c. june 1st

) 8---does mike like winter? -yes

a. he isb. he doc. he does

) 9i am a teacher.

a. what do you do? b. who are you? c. how are you?


笔试部分 满分55分 一 read and choose 阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上 每句2分,共10分 a hi,sarah.were you at home last weekend?bi went to ...


姓名 得分 一 按要求完成下列各题。can 否定形式 can 过去式 would 原形 win 过去式 read 过去式 say 过去式 come 现在分词 get 现在分词 rain 现在分词 class 复数 baby 复数 rice 复数 photo 复数 box 复数 watch 复数 ba...


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