
发布 2020-07-10 10:53:28 阅读 5824





) 1. a. eye b. yellow

) 2. a. bus b. juice

) 3. a. head b. hair

) 4. a. old b. shop

) 5. a. egg b. bed


6. tomato (复数形式7. tall (反义词8. i am (缩写形式。

9.small(反义词10. thursday(汉语意思)__

iii 将正确的选项写在题前的括号里。(共5小题,每个题2分,共10分)

( )a looka. 玩的开心。

( )sportsb. 集邮

( )func. 在周末。

( )the weekendd. 做运动。

( )stampse. 看一看。

iv 单选(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

) 16. i’m __my hair.

a. washing b. wash c. washes

) 17name is amy.

a. sheb. her c. his

) 18. —when is your birthday?

it’s __october.

a. in b. on c. to

) 19. the window is made __glass.

a. of b. from c. with

) 20. english is __useful language

a. a b. an c. x

) 21does your father do ?

he is a teacher.

a. what b. where c. how

) 22. let’s __to the cinema.

a. go b. going c. to go

) 23. the cat is __the living room.

a. in b. on c. under

) 24they in the bathroom?

a. is b. are c. do

) 25. ian orange, but my sistertwo oranges

a. h**e , h**e b. h**e , has c. has , h**e

) 26. -what’s your f**ourite fruit?

a. watermelon b. ice-cream c. coke

) 27. i went to the __to study after school.

a. supermarket b. cinema c. library

) 28. i wake up __seven in the morning.

a. in b. at c. for

) 29. mr. smith has __children. theis a son

a. nine, ninth b. nine, nineth c. nineth, nine

) 30. what would you like to___

a. cook b. cooking c. cooked

v 情景对话 (共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)

) 31. is this you ruler? no, _

a. this is b. it isn’t c. it is

) 32. shall we go to the park tomorrow?

a. excuse me. b. thank you c. good idea

) 33. what’s for breakfast?

a. bacon and eggs b. in the restaurant c. at 7o’clock

) 34. what are you doing

a. i’m fine. b. i’m washing my hands. c. it’s sunny.

it’s red.

a. what’s it? b. what color is it? c. what is this?

) 36. 当别人向你道谢时,你应回答。

a. thank you, too. b. we are friends. c. that's all right.

) 37. -in what season can you plant trees?

a. spring b. summer c. winter

) 38. hello! may i speak to ann?

she isn’t at home.

a. sorry b. excuse me c. thank you

) 39. 当别人向你说 “ happy new year!” 时,你应回答。

a. thankyou. b. happy new year! c. i’m happy today.

) 40. 当别人向你说:howareyou ? 你应该说。

'mten. b. fine,thankyou. c. howareyou?

i 阅读理解 (共5小题,每小题4分,共20分。

there is a new park near my house. it’s a fine day today. my family and i are in the park now.

on my left, there is a café(咖啡馆). on my right, there is a big lake. there are many flowers and trees near the lake.

there’s a small lake behind the lake. near the lake, there is a sign (告示牌). it says:

“don’t swim in the lake!” there is a playground in the middle of the park. there are small shops near the gate(大门).

the park is so beautiful. we like it very much.

) 41. the park near my house is

a. new and beautiful b. old and beautiful c. clean and new

) 42. is there a cafe in the park

a. yes, there isn’t. b. no, there isn’t. c. yes, there is.

) 43. people can’t __in the lake.


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1.计算。2.若质数a,b满足5a b 2027,则a b 3.如图,一只玩具蚂蚁从o点出发爬行,设定第n次时,它先向右爬行n个单位,再向上爬行n个单位,到达点然后从点出发继续爬行,若点o记为 0,0 点记为 1,1 点记为 3,3 点记为 6,6 则点记为 4.按顺时针方向不断取图2中的12个数字...