
发布 2020-06-01 12:41:28 阅读 4753


unit 1 our school day

lesson 1 what time is it?


1.整点钟用o’clock : 数词+o’clock

8:00 eight (o’clock)



9:05 nine o five 7:15 seven fifteen 7:30 seven thirty

6:45 six forty-five 6:55 six fifty-five

2) 逆读法:先说分钟数,再说小时数。

①分钟数≤30用“分钟数 + past + 小时数”来表达(即几点过了几分)

9:05 five past nine 8:24 twenty-four past eight

15分常用a quarter(一刻钟,四分之一)来表示 30分常用half(半,一半)来表示。

7:15 a quarter past seven (fifteen past seven)

7:30 half past seven (thirty past seven)

②分钟数>30用“(60-分钟数)+ to + 小时数+ 1)”来表达(即几点差几分)

7:31 twenty-nine to eight 8:45 a quarter to nine (fifteen to nine)

9:55 five to ten


past 潇洒直接用,half代替半小时;一刻还有quarter 来。


for sthit’s time for school.

it’s time to do sth. it’s time to go to school.

for sb. to do sth. it’s time for us to work hard.

短语。up2. h**e (eat) breakfast/ lunch/ dinner

to school 4. go to bed 5. take care

lesson 2 where are you from?

1.—where are you from?--i’m from….(三下lesson c i’m from the usa.)

2. how nice to see you./ nice to meet you(,too)、(again).

3. what’s your name?

4. i’m / my name’s….


lesson 3 happy teachers’ day!

1.--may i come in?—yes, please./ come in, please.

+节日(women’s day/ teachers’ day…)-thank you very much.

3. how beautiful! (感叹句, 见三下lesson l what a beautiful kite!)

4. -i like sth. –me too./ not me. i like….


名词如何表类别:可数名词a / an + 单数[c]n. ;复数 [c]n.



6.可数名词单数变复数。 (见三下lesson m animals on the farm)

lesson 4 what’s the game?

1.复习 let’s do sth.(见三下 lesson d let’s play a game.)

play a(new)game(见三下lesson p what can you do ?)

-can you do sth.? yes, i/ we can.; no, i / we can’t.

2. open—close

3. what 什么。

lesson 5 i don’t like coffee.

like sth but don't like…/ i don't like… but like sth.

but (见三下lesson z self-assessment)

2.--want an apple? –yes, thanks.

3.--who’s on duty?—i am.

-is everyone here? –yes.


1.--what’s in your pencil-box?

an egg, please.

3. this is my face.

4. what a fat cat!

unit 2 things around us

lesson 1 it’s windy and cool.

1. 复习—what day is it today?

2. 询问天气:(见三下lesson x it’s raining hard.)

3. weather 不可数名词 what bad weather?

4. 表示天气的形容词和图标 cold- hot, cool—warm, terrible—fine , great, good

lesson 2 what season is it now?

1.—what season is it now?—it’s spring/ summer/ autumn/ winter.

季节名词:spring(泉水、 精神), summer, autumn(fall), winter


2) “在季节”的“在”用in


china- winter, australia—summer)

2.复习询问天气:(见三下lesson x it’s raining hard.)

3. what about…?

what about / how about + n./ pron. /ving?

1). 承前问, 可用”and …?代替。

-how are you?--i'm fine, thanks. and you?(=what about you?)

-what would you like?--some tea. how about you?

2) 用于提建议:“…怎么样?”

what/ how about doing some reading ?

why don’t you do some reading?

why not do some reding?

4. …is coming.

lesson 3 what’s your f**orite season?


1) 含义:“最喜欢的” (无级)

2) f**orite 前用one’s,即形容词性物主代词或名词所有格

3) one’s f**orite 短语作主语,其单复数由f**orite后的名词决定。

4)f**orite 与 like …best 的互换:

what / who+ be + one’s f**orite + n?/ which + n. +be + one’s f**orite?

=what/ which + n. +do/ does sb. like best?

one’s f**orite +n +be …=sb. like/ likes… best.

eg: what is your f**orite subject?

who is your f**orite movie star?…

=which subject/ movie star do you like best?

my f**orite subject is biology.= i like biology best.

2.复习why, because; i can do sth.

i like … because i can do sth.

3.复习几个吃: h**e, eat, …见三下lesson r how yummy!)

4. go skating/ swimming/…

lesson 4 what’s for your breakfast?

1. 复习几个吃: h**e, eat, …见三下lesson r how yummy!)

2. let’s do sth

3. talk about

4. what’s for your + 一日三餐(breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper)?

i like….

5. 复习名词表类别的方法(见unit 1 lesson 3 happy teachers’ day!)

和可数名词单数变复数的规则(见三下lesson m animals on the farm)

6. and连接并列成分,用在最后一个并列项前。

7. do it yourself. (diy) all together.

lesson 5 ****** a spinner

1. 复习—what’s this?

2. let’s do sth.

3. make a spinner

4. work in pairs

5. your turn, please./ it’s my turn.

6. like

sth. /sb. 喜欢……


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