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学科复习 试题解析

试题集锦 考前模拟





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文章来自 时间:2010-04-21




21. students should be encouraged to use __internet as __resource.

a. 不填;a b. 不填;the c. the; the d. the; a

22. he found it increasingly difficult to read, _his eyesight was beginning to fail.

a. though b. for c. but d. so

举一反三:the day breaks,__the birds are singing.

a. because b. as c. since d. for

解析:d。若选a、b、c,强调the day breaks(天亮)的直接原因或者显而易见的原因就是the birds are singing(鸟叫),显然这是不成立的,只有for引出的句子作为一种附加说明才成立。

23. _was most important to her, she told me, was her family.

a. it b. this c. what d. as

24. thank you for all your hard work last week. i don’t think we __it without you.

a. can manage b. could h**e managed c. could manage d. can h**e managed

举一反三。---i stayed at a hotel while in new york .

---oh, did you? you __with barbara. (nmet’98)

a. could h**e stayed b. could stay

c. would stay d. must h**e stayed

解析:a。could h**e done 表虚拟,意为“本来能够做…(而事实上没做成)”,句意为“噢?你呆在宾馆了!你本来可以和芭芭拉住在一起的”。

25. by the time he realizes he __into a trap, it’ll be too late for him to do anything about it.

a. walks b. walked c. has walked d. had walked

26. occasions are quite rare __i h**e the time to spend a day with my kids.

a. who b. which c. why d. when

27. make sure you’ve got the passports and tickets and __before you le**e.

a. something b. anything c. everything d. nothing

举一反三。it is easy to do the repairyou need is some nails.

a.something b.all c.both d.everything

解析:b。本题考查不定代词的用法,首先从语意上排除something(因为某样东西与后面的具体物品a hammer and some nails矛盾), both“两者都”不合适。

everything每件事(而文中只提到 a hammer and some nails)故选b。a11 you need =a that you need = what you need…..

28. the fact that she never apologized __a lot about what kind of person she is.

a. says b. talks c. appears d. declares

29. einstein like bose’s ***** so much that he __his own work and translated it into german.

a. g**e off b. turned down c. took over d. set aside

30. –say, jane, will you come with me to the game friday?

bob, but i promised mary i’d go with her.

a. my pleasure b. thanks c. take it easy d. forget it.

31. you’d better not le**e the medicine __kids can get at it.

a. even if b. which c. where d. so that

32. i began to feel __in the new school when i saw some familiar faces

a. at home b. at heart c. at will d. at sight

33. would it be __for you to pick me up at four o’clock and take me to the airport?

a. free b. vacant c. handy d. convenient

34. i bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real __

a. exchange b. bargain c. trade d. business

35. lucy’s new job paid twice as much as she had made __in the restaurant.

a. working b. work c. to work d. worked

举一反三 he sent me an e-mail, _to get further information.

a. hoped b. hoping c. to hope d hope


本句中的现在分词hoping做伴随状语,表示伴随状态,其作用相当于and连接的并列句:he sent me an e-mail and hoped to get further information. 其实,本句也可以说:

he sent me an e-mail to get further information. (to引导的不定式短语做目的状语。) 但不可以用to hope to get…。


21. d 此题考查冠词的用法。题意为:学生们应该被鼓励把网络作为一种资源来利用。the internet 表示一类事物,a resource表示是资源的一种。

22. b 此题考查状语从句连词的选择。题意为:



23. c 此题考查主语从句连词的选择。此题的关键在于看出she told me是插入语,从结构上不影响整个句子的表达。

根据题意“她告诉我,对她来说最重要的是她的家庭”可知,第二个was 是整个句子的谓语动词。所选词须是连词用来引导主语从句。故可排除a,b。


24. b 此题考查情态动词表示虚拟意义的用法。i don’t think…是否定前移。

意为:我认为没有你我们本不能做成这件事的。此题关键是要根据句意知道是虚拟语气,其基本形式是情态动词(过去式)+h**e done,所以其他选项皆可排除。

25. c 此题考查动词时态。根据句意“截止到他意识到的时候,他已经走进了一个陷阱”以及by常和完成时连用可排除a,b。


26. d 此题考查定语从句关系词的选择。此题关键是要根据句意看出是定语从句。


27. c 此题考查不定代词的用法。理解句意是关键。





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