
发布 2020-05-16 17:24:28 阅读 8508




第一部分听力 (25分)



)6. a. i’m fineb. fine, thank youc. how do you do?

)7. a. she is tallb. she is my friendc. she likes english.

)8. a. waterb. hamburgersc. rice.

)9. a. i am fineb. you’re welcomec. he is right.

)10. a. sureb. oh, noc. i’m just looking, thanks.


)11. a. in a hospitalb. at homec. at school.

)12. a. 30b. 28c. 58.

)13. a. it’s redb. it’s yellowc. it’s green.

)14. a. in an officeb. in a hospitalc. in a factory.

)15. a. they are students. b. they are workers. c. they are doctors.


)16. paul comes from england.

)17. paul’s mother lives in england.

)18. he likes eating chinese food a lot.

)19. he doesn’t like fish at all.

)20. paul can not speak chinese.


shopping list

第二部分笔试 (95分)


)1. my techer helps me __my english.

toc. ford. 不填。

)2. —is this your book, alice?

yes, it is __book.

a. hisb. herc. hersd. my

)3. —would you like to go shopping with us?

i'm sorry i can't. i h**e to __food.

a. cookb. cooking c. cooks d. to cook

)4. —your father know lucy?

no, he __

a. do; don’tb. does; doesn’t c. does; don’t doesn’t

)5. —do you h**e a small mouth?

no, i don’t. i h**e a wide __

a. itb. onec. themd. ones

)6. —how old is tom?

he is __

a. fourteen yearsb. fourteen years old c. fourteen old d. fourteen-years-old

)7. _are you from?

——i am from xianning

a. howb. what c. where d. which

)8. —is it?

it’s 50yuan.

a. how muchb. how long

c. how oldd. how many

)9. —does your father work?

he works in a hospital.

a. whatb. howc. whod. where

)10. the shoes look nice . can i __

a. try on itb. try on themc. try it on d. try them on

) father __to go shopping

a. wantb. helpc. think d. see;

)12. i want two __

a. bottle of milk b. bottles of milk c. bottles of milks d. bottle of milks

—sorry. she isn’t at home now.

a. are you jimb. do you know linda?

c. may i speak to lindad. can i help you, jim?

)14. _is your name?

i’m liming

a. whatb. howc. whod. where

it’s ten o’clock.

a. what time is itb. what’s the o‘colck?

c. what’s itd. where is it?


my uncle is a farmer. he has ninety 16 trees on his farm(农场). my uncle and my aunt 17 pick(采摘) all the apples in fall(秋天), 18 they ask my parents and me to go to 19 them every year.

it’s sunday. my parents don’t go to 20 and i don’t go to school. so we’ll go to the 21 .

we get up early in the 22 . my mother is in her 23 clothes. my father gets many kinds of food for my uncle’s 24 in a shop.

she likes them very much. i think my uncle and aunt will 25 us many apples after that. i like to work on the farm.

)16. a. appleb. orangec. bananad. family

)17. a. can’tb. don’tc. aren’td. doesn’t

)18. a. onb. so(所以) c. butd. and

)19. a. lookb. carry(携带) c. helpd. take

)20. a. workb. shopc. schoold. home

)21. a. officeb. hospital c. homed. farm

)22. a. eveningb. afternoon c. morning d. sunday

)23. a. oldb. newc. niced. good

)24. a. sonb. daughter c. fatherd. parents

)25. a. take(带走) b. bring(带来) c. getd. give



a)chen kai is a chinese boy. he is a student. he is 13 years old.

he lives in guangzhou. chen kai likes ****** friends. now he receives(收到) a letter from sam.

sam comes from america. he is chen kai’pen pal (笔友).the letter is in english.

sam is 14 and he is a student, too. he speaks english very well. in the letter, sam says he wants to visit china and study some chinese.


一 积累运用 20分 1.读下面文字,完成 题。3分 今年,物价快速 3月份的全国 两会 上,物价问题作为八大民生问题之首,成为代表们关注的焦点。通胀压力 走进中国百姓的日常生活。随之,豆你玩 蒜你狠 姜你军 苹什么 糖高宗 煤超风 等物价现象,成为网络热词蹿红。姜你军 中的 军 字,最后一笔的笔画...


一 积累运用 20分 1 3分 b 1分 通过 逗你玩 算你狠 将你军 凭什么 唐高宗 梅超风 等词语的谐音,含蓄 诙谐地表达豆子 大蒜 姜 苹果 糖 煤等物价快速 的现象 语言生动活泼,非常容易让大众接受 认可和喜爱。2分,每小点1分 2 3分 毓宕 y 3 4分,每小题1分,错 添或漏一字均不给...


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