五年级下册 深圳牛津版 期末复习提纲

发布 2020-05-09 00:46:28 阅读 9099


module 1 changes and differences

unit 1 tidy up.


1. 学会用 whose(谁的)引导特殊疑问句,询问某个东西是谁的,主要针对句子中的物主代词或名词所有格提问。如:

whose socks are those? they are paul's. whose cap is this?

it' s mine.



复数名词全用are。如: i am lucy. he is clever. tim and judy are tall.

2. 学会正确使用are和is的用法。如: are they yours,peter? no, they aren’t.

is this yours too, peter? no. it's paul's.

3. 学会名词性物主代词的用法。物主代词是用来表示所属关系的,如:


the cap is mine. the socks are his. this is my pen.

that one is hers


如: this is my cap. they are his socks. that is her


4. 学会用let引导的祈使句,如:let' s tidy it up!

小贴士:let后跟动词原形,如: let him come. let me help you.

5. 名词所有格:表示“…的”,是一种所属关系。


1.单数名词后直接加's构成。如: peter' s books are is ken's room.

2.以s尾的名词,只加’。如: the students'books are over there.

the teachers,books are here


如:tim and jim’s room is very large


如:tim' s and jim’s rooms are very large.


let让 sock短袜tdy整理;整洁的 yours你的;你们的cap帽子 mine我的 crayon彩色蜡笔。

umbrella伞;雨伞 hers她的 nail钉子 mess脏乱;不整洁drop使落下;掉落 sick粘贴;粘住(be) full of装满…。。tidy up把…。…整理好 1afew几个;一些 second秒(时间单位) theirs他们]的;她们的;它们的

三、句型:1. what a mess!真是一团糟。

2. let' s tidy it up!让我们把它整理好吧!

3. whose socks are those? they're paul's。那些短袜是谁的?它们是paul的。

4. are they yours, peter?他们是你的吗, peter?

5. whose cap is this?it' s mine。这顶帽子是谁的?是我的。

6. can you put it on his bed?sure。你能把它放到他的床上吗?当然可以。

7. is this yours too, peter?这也是你的吗, peter?

8. thank you for your help, sally。。谢谢你的帮助, sally。

9. the room is now clean and tidy。房间现在变得干净整洁了。

10. it is full of nails。它装满了钉子。

11. in a few seconds, the floor is clean again。几秒钟后,地板又变干净了。


ar car mark

ue [u:] blue true

oo [u:] school afternoon

五、练习。i. true (t) or false (f)

)1. warm cook

)4. farm smart5. true cool

)7. book pool8. thank foot

ii. read and choose the best answers.

a. you're welcomeb. how's the bedroom now?

c. what a messd. can you help me to tidy up my bedroom?

e. then we should put the clothes into the wardrobe.

peter: look at your bedroom. (1sally: i’m sorry. (2

peter: sure. let's clean the floor first. (3sally: ok.

peter:(4sally: it's very tidy. i like it. thank you for your help, peter


and fill in the blanks with the given words’ correct form.

1. let himread ) the story for us ?

2. can youstick) the pictures on the wall?

3. whosesock) are those?

4.— is this penyou)? yes, it’si ) pen.

5.— are thesewe ) crayons? no, they arethey )

.complete the sentences and choose the best one.

a. drop b. full d. clean e. whose

)1notebooks are these?- they are ours.

) bowl isof the water.

) it's a nice dress. i like it. jenny says

) you __the nails to the magic stone?

)5.— can youbedroom? it's really messy.

) pen on the floor.

v. choose the best answer.

)'s a t-shirt. is this __too,jim? a. yours b your c. you

)2. whose umbrellathis ? a. am c. are

)3. let’sshopping together. a. goes b going c go

)4.__is tidying up the bedroom?-that's mary.

a .whose b. who c. where

)5. there are some socks on the floor. can you put __on the bed?

a. they b. it c them

)6. the new bicycle isit is nice.

a. paul b. paul's c. jimmy

)7.— is this mary' s book?—nois on the desk.

a. hers b. she c. her

unit 2 our new home


unit 1 tidy up 单词 整理 整洁的脏乱 不整洁让短袜你的 你们的帽子我的。彩色蜡笔 或粉笔,铅笔伞钉子。使落下 掉落粘贴 粘住秒。她的他们的 她们的 它们的。词组 把 整理好装满 充满。把 放在 上面把 放在 旁边。穿上,戴上几个 一些。又干净又整洁。句型 真是一团糟啊!那些是谁的袜子...

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