
发布 2020-05-06 11:58:28 阅读 9976



一、 根据汉语写英语单词。(10)




校长 二、 按要求写出下列单词的适当形式。(5分)

potato(复数chicken(复数let is(缩写形式h**e(单数第三人称形式short(反义词。


t': span', c': r': r_16'},

四、 将下列单词归类。(12分)

pear meat thin egg tea banana young mutton watermelon fat quiet funny rice coffee bean-milk pineapple noodles milk mango grape water strawberry tall active smart




其他: 五、 从下列单词中找出不同类的单词。(9分)

) 1. a. newb. shortc. sure

) 2. a. sunnyb. sundayc. saturday

) 3. a. dateb. playc. watch

) 4. a. tastyb.

) 5. a. fruitb. footc. food

) 6. a. shirtb. skirtc. girl

) 7. a. potato b. tomatoc. mutton

) 8. a. tuesday b. thursday c. thirty

) 9. a. mrb. mrsc. kind

六、 选词填空。(10分)

has does on would to for salty

but for about of

1. lily a green skirt.

2. whatdaming like?

3. i often watch tvsaturday.

4. whatyou likesupper?

5. the beef is tooi don’t like it.

6. i like eggplanti don’t like pear.

7. whatyou ?

timego to school.

9. i need a boxcrayons.

10. sunday is sweethim.


1. for, what, you, do, h**e, supper, today

2. hungry, mother, is, limimg’s

3. fresh, and, healthy, it’s

4. your, fruit, what’s, f**ourite

5. i’d, potatoes, onions, and, like

八、 按要求改写句子。(10分)

1. i’d like some juice .(就画线部分提问)

2. she likes bananas. (变成否定句)

3. zip likes vegetables.(变成一般疑问句)

4. i h**e to eat noodles.(变成否定句)

5. today is monday. (就画线部分提问)


1. i often play football.(

2. i’d like tofu and potatoes for lunch on mondays. (

3. tomorrow is monday. (

4 . i don’t like grapes, they are sour. (

5. my mother reads books


a: what do you h**e on monday? b: who’s your english teacher?

c: what about youd: what do you do on mondays?

e: do you like music class? f: what’s he like?

a:what day is it today?

b: it’s monday.

ab: we h**e english, chinese, math and music.

ab: no, i don’t. i like

a: i like english very much.

ba: mr chen.

ba: he’s tall and strong. he’s very funny. we all like him.


) 1.—you h**e a nice coat.

a. yes, it’s nice. b. thank you. d. you’re right.


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唐河育才实验学校2011 2012学年度第一次月考。时间 60分钟分值 100分。一 选出不同类的单词。把其字母代号填入题前括号内。10分 1,a.fox b.cat c.good 2,a.girl b.boy c.inside 3,a.mouth b.look c.hand 4,a.clever ...


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