
发布 2020-05-06 01:25:28 阅读 9592






) 1. that boy looks smart.

) 2. the girl is from canada.

) 3. the girl looks friendly.

) 4. the boy is active.

) 5. the girl is nine years old.

) 6. the man is funny.


a. 1f.

b. 2g.

c. 3h.

d. 4i.

e. 5j.


a. 我叔叔是名邮递员。

b. 安来自澳大利亚。

c. 短头发的女孩是我妹妹。

d. 左边那个女孩是我姐姐。

e. 她是五年一班的学生。





) 1. come withd**id!

a. our b. usc. we

) 2jenny h**e any glue?

a. does b. doc. is

) 3can we buy peaches?

a. what b. where c. how many

) 4. there are fourin a year.

a. months b. seasons c. weeks

) 5. look! theytennis.

a. play b. are playing c. is playing

) 6. the le**es are yellow now. it’s

a. fall b. spring c. winter

) 7. this is my cousinname is lucy.

a. heb. hisc. her

) 8. i don’t h**ebooks. so i want to buy

a. any; any b. some; any c. any; some

) 9. —can you cook rice?

—no, i

a. isn’t b. don’t c. can’t

) 10towel is this?

—it’sa. who’s; bob b. whose; bob’s c. what’s; bob’s


) 1. they’re ****** a snowman.

) 2. he is a farmer.

) 3. carrots are yangyang’s f**orite vegetable

) 4. my sister is going to the supermarket.

) 5. the coat is red and blue.


he sun pen stamp go

1. i want to send letters. i need some

2. aunt amyto guangzhou every year.

3. how manydoes she h**e?

4. it’stoday. let’s fly kites.

5birthday is in april.


1. this is my

2. we are going to an

3. whoseis this?

4. rose wants to be a

5. are these your


1. 想知道对方要去**时,你可以问。

2. 想知道对方的职业时,你可以问。

3. 想知道武汉的天气情况时,你可以问。

4. 想知道鲍勃是否需要一些大米时,你可以问汤姆。

5. 想知道对方是否准备去踢足球时,你可以问。

a. where are youb. where are you going?

c. does bob need any rice? d. what do you do?

e. do you need any rice, tom? f. are you going to play football?

g. do you h**e a football?

h. what’s the weather like in wuhan?


1. we h**e some scissors.(变为否定句)

2. whose magazine is it?(用mary来回答)

3. my mother needs some salt.(对划线部分提问)

4. it’s cold in winter.(变为一般疑问句)

5. children like flying kites in spring.(翻译成中文)


a. i h**e a nice pen

b. what do you want to do?

c. what are you doing?

d. you’re welcome.

e. do you h**e any *****

hi, nancy. _1___

i’m looking for my pen.

i want to write a letter.

yes, i do.

___4___it writes well. you can use mine.

thank you, helen.


cindy’s f**orite season is winter and she likes skiing(滑雪) very much. in winter, she goes skiing every month. judy is cindy’s good friend.

they study in the same school. judy likes swimming best(最). her f**orite season is summer.

in summer, judy and cindy often go to the beach together.

) 1. cindy likes winter very much.

) 2. cindy goes skiing every sunday.

) 3. judy and cindy are sisters.

) 4. summer is judy’s f**orite season.


2015数学初赛。数学部分 140 分 注 1 答案请写在答题纸上。注 2 选做题,任选一题作答。如果两题都做,选 1 得分即为本题得分。一 对号入座 我会填 共 6 题 1.3 分 在月球表面,白天阳光垂直照射的地方温度高达 127 夜晚温度可降到零下 183 则月球表面昼夜的温差为。2.3 分 ...


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