八年级英语 下 第一单元检测题 1

发布 2020-04-18 02:29:28 阅读 7822


八年级英语(下)第一单元检测题 (1)




1. tom hasfew; fewer) christmas cards than i.

2. they believe that there will beless; fewer) green trees in fifty years.

3. he is ill and he can eatmore; less) food, so he gets quite weak.

4. themore; much) we get together, thehappy; happier) we’ll be.

5. d**id hasless; fewer) money than anna has.


6.—do you h**e a little空闲时间)?

yes, i do. why? —i want to talk about something with you.

think i will be in a high school四年以后).

8.—what do you think about in the future?

i think students will all study at home用电脑).

movies will得奖) next year?

10.—can you吹喇叭)?

a little.

then join us, please.


is the fday of a week.

12. yesterday it rained very hso i didn’t go out.

13. my parents enjoy lin the countryside very much.

14. do you h**e any ltime? i want your help.

15. the computer is an important i

16. there will be less pin 100 years.

17. we will h**e a long vafter a few days.

18. do you h**e a ccard?

19. the other students kept their eyes cright away.

20. their lives will be a lot bthan it is now.


21. she wants to be ascience) when she grows up.

22. there is a tallbuild) in front of the post office.

23. i can do my homework byi).

24. today is sunday. let's goskate).

25. please buy sometoothbrush) for them.



26. theynot h**e) any classes next week.

27. bettywrite) to her parents tomorrow.

28. look at those clouds. itrain).

29. heread) an english book now.

30. look! many girlsdance) over there.


31. they clean the classroom every day. (用tomorrow代替every day)

theythe classroom tomorrow.

32. will the flowers come out soon? (作肯定回答。

33. we'll go out for a walk with you. (改为否定句)

weout for a walk with you.

34. nanjing will h**e a fine day. (改为一般疑问句)

nanjinga fine day?

35. the students will work in the supermarket. (对划线部分提问)

the students


)36. —will people live to be 300 years old

a. no, they aren't b. no, they won’t c. no, they don't d. no, they can't

)37. there will bepollution this year than last year.

a. fewerb. muchc. lessd. many

)38. i think people here are friendly. do you agreeme?

a. withb. toc. ond. from

)39. —where is miss wang?

she went to hainan island last week and will returnsix days.

a. agob. laterc. behind d. in

)40will they play? —they will play football.

a. what subject b. what sport c. what food d. what language

)41. i will see you again

a. a dayb. every day c. one day d. everyday

)42. i hope your dream will

a. come true b. come out c. come in d. come on

)43. everyone wants toto the moon for vacations.

a. walk b. runc. swimd. fly

) coat doesn't fit him well, as he has __a huge body and the coat is___small.

a. so; such b. so; soc. such; such d. such; so

)45. —how many birds can you see in the trees?

i can seebirds in them.

a. hundreds of b. five hundreds c. hundred of d. five hundreds of


46. 没有人知道将来会发生什么事。

no one knows what will happen

47. 电脑如今被人们广泛地使用。

the computerswidelypeople today.


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