
发布 2020-04-18 02:30:28 阅读 9054


unit 11 could you please clean your room?)



难点重点】could you take out the trash? sure.

could i borrow the car? sorry, but i need it, i h**e to go to a meeting,i h**e to make the bed and do the laundry.





1. could you please…你能…吗?/请你干….好吗? 2. do the dishes 洗餐具。

3. sweep the floor清扫地板4. take out the trash倒垃圾

5. make one’s bed铺床6. fold one’s clothes叠衣服

7. clean the living room 清扫客厅8. stay out late晚归

9. his father’s reason他父亲的理由10. get a ride搭车

11. use one’s computer 使用某人的电脑 12. hate sth./to do sth.讨厌某事/做某事。

13. do the laundry / do some washing / wash clothes洗衣服。

14. make breakfast, make dinner, do some cooking 做饭

15. wash the car刷车16. work on 从事,忙于

17. work at学习、致力于、在……上下工夫 18. borrow some money借一些钱

19. invite sb. to do sth邀请某人做某事20. go to the store去商店

sb. to do sth.同意某人做某事

22. agree with sb. /agree with what one says同意某人的意见。

23. make faces做鬼脸make friends with与……交朋友。

make fun of取笑make it成功,到达某处。

make one’s living维持生活 make room腾出地方。

make up编造make use of利用

24 . borrow sth. from sb.向某人借某物(借入)

25. lend sb. sth./ lend sth. to sb.借给某人某物(借出)

for要求得到、要求见到27. need some help需要一些帮助。

28. take care of / look after照顾、照看、照料 take good care of / look after…well

29. come over过来30. get angry with sb.生某人的气

31. h**e a test


1.could you please clean your room?

2.could you please open the door for me? 3.i hate to do chores.

4.tell your partner your answer to activity 1a. does your partner agree?

5.thanks for taking care of my dog

6.you are h**ing a party. ask your partner for help. talk about these things.

7.take him for a walk. give him water and feed him. then wash his bowl. play with him

8.i’m going to move to a new house! i need some help


1. a: could you please sweep the floor?

bi h**e to do my homework.

a. yes, why not? c. sorry, you can’t d. sorry, i can’t

2. a: could you please buy __drinks and snacks?

b: sorry. i don’t h**e __money.

a. some, anyb. any, any c. some, some d. any, some

3. nancy, thanks forcare of my goldfish.

a. take b. takes c. taking d. took

4. we’ll h**eto do in english class.

a. something different b. different something

c. anything different d. different anything

5. this shirt is a littlethan that one.

a. cheap b. cheaper c. the cheapest d. cheapest

6. a: could i please

b: sorry, you can’t . your father has to use it.

a. do chores b. go to the movies c. use the car d. go to school

7. yao ming was born __september 12,1980.

a. on b. in c. at d. of

8. thereany sharks in the aquarium.

a. are b. aren’t c. isn’t d. is

9. “how was the movie?” it wasi don’t like it”.

a. funny b. good c. well d. boring

10. _readers said they were going to learn a new language.

a. a little b. little c. few d. a few

11. you look tired. you needa good rest.

a. has b. h**e c. to h**e d. h**ing

12. beckham is a popular soccer

a. singer b. actor c. player d. doctor

13. imy aunt in australia this winter vacation.

a. visit b. am going to visit c. visited d. was going to visit

14. don’t forget __the lights when you le**e.

a. to turn off b. turning off c. turn off d. turned off

15. i likethe car because i can be outside.

a. wash b. washing c. washes d. washed


41. this is your pen. m___is black.

42. you can b___my bike, but you must give it back this afternoon.


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