
发布 2020-04-12 08:56:28 阅读 3693




1.电脑:when do you h**e breakfast on school days?

学生:i h**e breakfast at about 7:00.

2.电脑:what does your father do?

学生:he is a mat teacher.

3.电脑:what kind of movies does your sister like?

学生:she likes comedies.

4.电脑:can you play the violin?

学生:yes, i can./ no, i can’t.


问答内容:电脑:does tom want to go to a movie?

学生:yes, he does.

电脑:what kind of movies does he like?


电脑:why doesn’t tom like thrillers?

学生:because he thinks action movies are kind of scary.

电脑:what does jane think of documentaries?




要点:1. christmas day 2. english party 3. gifts 4. sing and dance

参***:on christmas day, people will h**e some parties for it. and we h**e an english party.

on the party, we give each other gifts. and we also sing and dance together. we are all happy that day.


1.电脑:what’s the date today?

学生:it’s december 15th.

2.电脑:where does your best friend come from?

学生:he/she comes from dongguan.

3.电脑:what kind of food do you like for breakfast?

学生:i like an egg and an apple for breakfast.

4.电脑:do you want to know more about english?

学生:yes, i do/no, i don’t.


问答内容:电脑:where is ben going to?

学生:he is going to a supermarket/ wal-mart.

电脑:why does ben want to buy something?

学生:he wants to buy something for the school party

电脑:when will he h**e the party?

学生:next monday afternoon.

电脑:what time does ben h**e the party?

学生:at about 2:30.



要点:1. go to school 2. listen to the teacher, study hard 3. play with 4. do sports

参***:it is the first day of school. jack gets up early in the morning.

after breakfast, he goes to school by bike. he listens to teacher and studies hard. after class, he talks with his friend.

and he does sports with his classmates. he has a happy school day.


1.电脑:how many students are there in your class?

学生:48 students.

2.电脑:what time do you eat dinner?

学生:i eat dinner at about 5:30 pm.

3.电脑:where can you buy a dictionary?

学生:in a book store. /on the internet.

4.电脑:are you good with your classmates?

学生:yes, i am. /no, i’m not.


问答内容:电脑:what does john’s mother do?

学生:she is a doctor.

电脑:where does john’s mother work?

学生:she works in guangzhou.

电脑:how does john’s mother get to work?

学生:by bus.

电脑:who helps his mother clean the floor?



根据下面的图画和提示,描述一下jim 和朋友参加学校艺术节的情况。

要点:1. be good at, sing 2. dance 3. join, school music festival 4. show, successful

参***:jim and his friends are good at singing. and they also like dancing very much.

so they want to join the school music festival. their show is successful.


1.电脑:what time do you usually go home after school?

学生:i usually go home at 5:30.

2.电脑:who is your f**orite teacher?

学生:my f**orite teacher is miss chen.

3.电脑:when is your mother’s birthday?

学生:it’s on august 20th.

4.电脑:do you want to play soccer with me tomorrow afternoon?

学生:yes, i do.


问答内容:电脑:why is frank is happy today?

学生:because his class is going to h**e a school trip.

电脑:where will frank go for the trip?

学生:he will go to a zoo in guangzhou.

电脑:when will he go?

学生:this saturday morning.

电脑:how many students are there in frank’s class?

学生:48 students.



要点:1. study 2. play sports 3. go to a movie

and then i study for two hours. in the afternoon, i play sports with my friends. and in the evening, i go to a movie with my parents.

i often h**e an interesting weekend.


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