
发布 2020-04-10 16:35:28 阅读 7950


floor curtains light door window desk chair

unit 1地板窗帘灯门窗户课桌椅子。

in the classroom: board inonunder


behind in front of


句型:there are three green chairs有三把绿色椅子。

there is a blue bag on a desk. 桌上有一个蓝色书包。

is there a cat behind the curtains? 窗帘后有一只猫吗?

are there any books on the desk? 桌上有一些书吗?

may’s schoolbag is greenmay的书包是绿色。

her pencils are brown她的铅笔是棕色。

jack’s schoolbag is bluejack的书包是蓝色。

his book is red他的书是红色。

how many desks are there有几张课桌?

thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen

unit 2 13 14 15 16 17 18

numbers: nineteen twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy

数字 19 20 30 40 50 60 70

eighty ninety a hundred

句型:how much is it ? 多少钱? it’s 3 yuan. 3元。

how much are they? 它们多少钱?they’re sixty p. 60便士。

how many socks are there in three pairs? 3双袜子多少只?

a pair of trainers a pair of socks a pair of shoes


unit 3 shoes skirt sweater shirt blouse tie socks

school: 皮鞋短裙毛衣男式衬衫女式衬衫领带袜子。

学校 trousers cardigan blazer uniform


句型:john is wearing brown shoes, grey trousers, a green blazer,

a red tie and a white shirt.


i live in london. 我住在伦敦。

every week, i eat每星期,我吃……

every week, i h**e……

play table tennis play football play the piano swim

unit 4打乒乓球踢足球弹钢琴游泳。

free time: stand on your head ski roller blade ride a horse


drive a racing car skate


句型:can you swim? 你会游泳吗? yes, i can. 是的,我会。

i can swim. 我会游泳。 i can’t ride a bike. 我不会骑车。

the boy in the red t-shirt can’t play the piano.


unit 5 time:(时间)

5:00 it’s five o’clock. 5:30 it’s half past five.

句型:what time is it? =what’s the time? 几点钟?

it’s two o’clock. 两点钟。

it’s half past three on the clock on the table. 桌上的钟显示3点半。

i’ve got a clock. 我有一个钟。 you’ve got a clock.你有…

he’s got ……他有…… she’s got ……她有……


桂林永福县向阳小学五 2 班俸珩闻专用资料。碰上,遇见。在。之上。地面。那些。冰激凌。宾格 我们。吃完。等待,赶紧,匆忙。赶快。无意中 使掉落。电子邮件。跑。爱你的。清单。哦,嗯,呃。需要。第一 次 的。可以。丢失。多少 不可数名词 奶酪。一些,使用。拥有,具有。在那边。植物。瓶子。一半。一副。千克...


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