
发布 2020-05-06 12:45:28 阅读 1397


unit 1 my new teachers


young 年轻的 funny 滑稽可笑的 tall 高的 strong 强壮的 kind 和蔼的、亲切的; old 年老的 short矮的 thin 瘦的 mr 先生 like 像、喜欢 strict 严格的 smart 聪明的、巧妙的 active 积极的、活跃的 quiet 安静的、文静的 very 很、非常 but 但是。

二。 五会句型的要求为:会说、会读、会用、会翻译、能做连词成句。(一般学习中等偏上的同学都要求做到五会)

you h**e new teachers? 你们有新老师吗?(疑问句中要用复数)

2. tall and strong又高又壮(能够用其他的形容词进行代换)

3. my english teacher has a kind heart. 我的英语老师有一颗善良的心。(主语是第三人称单数,动词要用单三形式)

4. my music teacher sings nice songs. 我的**老师唱好听的歌。(主语是第三人称单数,动词要用单三形式。会用这个短语造句)

5. they help us learn. they help us play. 他们帮助我们学习。他们帮助我们玩。(help + 动词原形)

6. when school is over, i want to stay. 当学校放学了,我想留下来。(会用 ..is over. 造句)

7. what’s he like? 他长什么样?(要和what does he like?进行比较记忆)

8. we all like him. 我们都喜欢他。(like 后面跟名词的宾格形式,要会用all, 放在动词前面)

9. a science teacher, an art teacher and an english teacher. 一位科学老师,一位美术老师和一位英语老师。


10. he’s from canada. 他来自加拿大。(来自**,后面要用国家,如:canada, china, america,等等。)

11. her class is so much fun. 她的课堂非常有趣。(会用这个短语造句)

12. she’s a university student. 她是一个大学生。(university虽然是元音字母开头,但是【ju:】不是元音,所以用a来修饰。)

13. design a card for your f**ourite teacher. (为你最喜欢的老师设计一张卡片。)

14. that’s for sure. 那是肯定的。(使用频率很高的口语表达。)

15. he was a football player. 他曾经是一个足球运动员。(过去时,表示曾经,是个新的语法知道,六年级会学到)

16. i missed it! 我丢了它~!(使用频率很高的口语表达。)

17. can i join you? 我能加入你们吗?(使用频率很高的口语表达。)

18. let me try. 让我试试吧!(使用频率很高的口语表达。)

19. ten to three! we won! 10比3!我们赢了!(使用频率很高的口语表达。)


1、以字母y结尾的名词变复数,如果字母y的前面是元音(a, e , i, o, u),就在y后面直接加s。如:boy—boys.

如果字母y前面是辅音,则把y变为i, 再加es. 如:lady—ladies city—cities story--stories.

2、动词的第三人称单数:(所谓第三人称单数,就是指既不是你也不是我的另外一个人,可以是具体的人名,他,她,或它,也可以是称呼类,如my mother, my friend等。当一个句子中的人物是第三人称单数,并且这个句子又是一般现在时态时,该句子中的动词要使用第三人称单数形式。

)h**e—has like—likes do—does go—goes watch--watches

3、词语变化:fun(形容词形式)――funny funny(名词形式)――fun know(同音词)――no


反义词:tall—short long—short young—old new—old strong—thin fat—thin

kind—strict active—quiet

4、be like与do like: 在本单元中,what’s …like?的句型是主句型,这里的like是“像…一样”的意思。

what’s …like?是问某某长得什么样子,同学们千万别和like的另一个意思“喜欢”相混了。它的答语一般用:

he/she/ it is…(后面跟描写人的外貌特征的词语),如:what’s your father like?你爸爸长得什么样子?。

而在do like的句子中,like的意思才是“喜欢”的意思。如:what does your father like?


5、who,what引导的特殊疑问句,用来对不熟悉的老师进行问答:who's + 某人?what's he / she like?

he / she is + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词。例:a:

who's your english teacher?

b: mr. carter.

a: what's he like?

b: he's tall and strong.

6、is引导的一般疑问句,谈论某位老师是否具有某方面的特征:is he / she + 与身体特征和性格特征有关的形容词,回答用:yes, he / she is.

no, he / she isn't. 例: is she quiet?

yes, she is.


who’s your chinese teacher? mr xiao.

what’s he like? he’s tall and thin. he’s very strict, but he’s very funny.

is he tall? yes, he is. is he strong? no, he isn’t.

who’s your english teacher? miss li.

what’s she like? she’s short and thin. she’s young. she’s kind.

is she thin? yes, she is. is she strong? no, she isn’t.



一、 选出正确答案。(10分)

)1、--who is that girl

a、she is is. c、she is my friend.

)2、--is she clever

a、yes,she isn’t. b、yes,he is. c、no,she isn’t.

)3、--is she short? -no,she is __tall.

a、very b、much c、very much

)4、--who is your english teacher

a、he is my brother. b、mr li is very tall. c、miss cao

)5、--pretty? -yes,she is very pretty.

a、does her b、is she c、is she d、she is

)6he is my brother.

a、who that boy?b、who’s that boy?

c、whose that boy?d、what’s that boy?

)7yes,she is.

a、is she good at her school work?b、is she good her school work?

c、what’s she good at? d、does she good at her schoolwork?

)8、--where do you come from

a、i’m from japan. b、i from australia.

c、i come from britain. d、i’m come from china.

)9、--where do you live?

a、i live on green road. b、i live at purple street.


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