
发布 2020-03-30 23:06:28 阅读 8022



1. careful21.早;提早;早的。

2. le**e22. 海滨;海滩。

3. plane23. 营地;帐篷。


5. term25.娱乐;乐趣。

我自己。7. camera27. 希望。

8. everybody28. 极好的。

9. beautiful29. 愚蠢的;傻气的。

10. promise30. 家务劳动。

11. first of all31. 在周末。

12. be careful with32. 复习功课。

13. in a hurry33. 呆在家里。

14.hundreds of34. 擅长。

15. look for35. 帮助某人做某事。

16. get on36.乐于做某事。

17. ride a bike37. 担心;担忧。

18. that’s all38. 打乒乓球。

19. do cleaning39. 想要。

20. h**e a picnic40. 现在。


41.we take photos with c

42. she is going to beijing by ptomorrow.

43. don’t wi can do it.

44. the little girl can play the p well.

45. i like sport, and i can run f .

46. our classroom is clean and twe love it very much.

47. she pays football in our school t .

48. e is here today. no one is late for school.

49. there is some news about chinese history on the b .

50. mr wang teaches us chinese this t .


51. peter would likejoin) the chinese club.

52. he canplay) football.

53. mary likesread) in the morning.

54. heplay) the piano every day.

aboutsing) in english.

56. tom is a boy andhe)family name is smith.

57. my father and my mother are teachersthem) are very busy.

58. —is this pen li lei’s? —no, (he)is very new.

59. this isn’ti ) knife. mine is green。

60. lingling is good at (play) basketball.


61. 我希望我们队赢得那场球赛。

iour teamthe match.

62. 五一假期我们将玩得很开心。

we are going toduring may day holiday.

63. 每天有数百人来动物园看动物。

people come to the zoo to visit animals every day.

64. 我父母不会说英语。

my parentsenglish.

65. 他能加入哪个俱乐部?

can he join?


66. can mary speak chinese?(做肯定回答)

yes67. helen can sing english songs.(改为否定句)

helensing english songs.

68. is betty going to ride a bike to the park?(做否定回答)

no69. we are going to h**e a picnic tighter.(改为一般疑问句)

you going toa picnic together?

70. would you like to join the music club?(做肯定回答)


71. he promised to give

a. for a futureb. at futurec. for future d. in the future

72. —who is the novel the old man and the sea

hemingway. he wrote it in 1951.

a. inb. toc. byd. of

73. china __the great wall and pandas.

a. is famous as b. is strict with c. is famous for d. is strict about

74. h**e you heard about the famous musicianxian xinghai.

a. callsb. callingc. calledd. to call

75. not only the students, but also the teacher __in the museum yesterday.

a. isb. wasc. ared. were

76. maria made a few mistakes in the math exam, _she?


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