
发布 2020-03-30 17:16:28 阅读 9591





. o q cabbage orange

school windy peas


)7、a.20 b.12 c.22


)12、 am watching tv. can watch tv.

)13、 like to play ping-pong. can jump.

)14、 didnt’t know.

)15、a .my f**ourite shape is a square . f**ourite colour is green .

)16、a. a hot dog . donut.


it’s 7:00. time for breakfast. my mum 17 breakfast. my hands

are 18i want to 19 my hands. this is a towel. i 20

my hands. now your hands are 21


)22. jenny can play the piano.

) wood is going to play the guitar.

) can play the piano,too.

) wood wants everyone to sing loudly,but not danny


一、 看汉语写单词(15分)

1电冰箱 2.炉灶 3. 抽水马桶 4. 淋浴器 5.浴缸。

6.校车司机 7.厨房 8. 浴室 9.雨伞 10.靴子。


11. here are three公共汽车).

12. they are坐) in a chair.

13. the towel is湿的)。.

14. these are盘子).

15. everyone is singingloud).


) ming __a letter now.

a. is writeing writing

) wears dresses.

a. always b. never

) your mother a nurse __a doctor?

a. of b. or

)19. _you always do your homework?

a. do b. is

) some books on the table.

a. put b. to put

) pen is mine. that one is __

a. you b. .yours

)22. there are many in the classroom .

a、child b、children

)23. there __a book in the box.

a. is b. are

) 24___the temperature? it’s 17 degrees.

a. how d. what’s

) school bus.

a. come b. comes


ab ) are you

) many men are do.

) the weather playing cards.

) you play the

) you always help your mother? sunny.


31.(提问几点钟,并回答。) 4分)

32. quiet ,living, is,room,the,everyone,in(连词组句。)(1分)

33、square always a for let’s put . 连词组句。)(1分)


( )34what are you doing,( 35may i help you?

( )36i’m washing the dirty dishes.

( )37,sure,li can dry the dishes.

( )38great!

( )is a towel!



li ming and jenny always do their(他们的)homework at home. li ming always helps his mother dry the dishes. jenny、steven and danny usually help their mothers.

steven usually does (做)his homework at home. steven sometimes walk to school. danny sometimes does his homework at home.

danny always walks to school, but jenny sometimes wears dresses. li ming, steven and danny never wear dresses.

1. li ming,jenny and steven always do their(他们的)homework

at home. (

ming always helps his mother .(

3. steven sometimes walk to school

4. jenny always wears dresses。 (


wang hong is a good student .he works hard at school. he always does his homework.

on sundays, he usually helps his mother. he washes clothes and clean all the rooms. he likes to watch tv, but he never watches tv from monday to friday.

)47、wang hong is a __

a. boyb. girl

)48、wang hong __does his homework.

a. alwaysb. never

)49、wang hong washes clothes and clean all the rooms on __

a. sundaysb. saturdays

)50、wang hong __helps his mother.

a .alwaysb .usually

)51、wang hong watches tv on __


2008 2009 学年第一学期六年级第七册英语期中测试卷。name 姓名 marks 得分。第一部分听力 40 一 听音选词。根据录音内容选择正确的单词,将其序号填在括号里。每小题读两遍 10 1.a.fiveb.sevenc.six 2.a.purpleb.peoplec.picture 3.a...


八 从下面的词语中选择两个,各造一个句子,注意正确使用标点符号。4分 拯救融洽小心翼翼眼花缭乱不但 还 九 照样子扩写句子 6分 例 孩子们交谈。天真可爱的 孩子们 在会场上 热烈地 交谈。1.小鸭子游泳。2.雪花飞舞。十 把诗句补充完整。4分 1不及汪伦送我情。2.遥知兄弟登高处。3.还没看见瀑布...


2011 2012学年度上期。小学六年级英语期中考试题。满分100分,时间60分班级姓名。part one listening 55分 一 听音,将听到的字母或单词的字母代号填入题前 内,念两遍。10分 1.a.bbb.hhc.dd 2.a.uub.vvc.yy 3.a.ppb.rrc.ss 4.a...