
发布 2020-03-30 17:17:28 阅读 5049

2008-2009 学年第一学期六年级第七册英语期中测试卷。


第一部分听力 40%

一、 听音选词。根据录音内容选择正确的单词,将其序号填在括号里。


1. a. fiveb. sevenc. six

2. a. purpleb. peoplec. picture

3. a. ice creamb. chocolatec. biscuit

4. a. shortb. longc. go

5. a. millionb. hundredc. thousand

6. a. mexicob. canadac. america

7. a. eastb. southc. north

8. a. driverb. farmerc. teacher

9. a. elephantb. telephonec. eleven

10. a. theatreb. libraryc. park

二、 听音标号。根据所听短语内容按顺序给**正确标号。(每小题读两遍)10%

三、 听音选句。根据录音内容选择正确的句子,将其序号填在括号里。


1. a. daming is visiting america. b. daming is visiting china.

c. daming is visiting english.

2. a. beijing’s got about fifteen million people.

b. beijing’s got about fourteen thousand people.

c. beijing’s got about fourteen million people.

3. a. canada is south of america.

b. canada is north of america.

c. canada is east of america.

4. a. how old are you? b. how tall are you? c. how fast are you?

5. a. he’s in new york with his father.

b. he’s in new york with his cousin.

c. he’s in beijing with his cousin.

四、 听音完成句子。根据所听对话选择正确的内容把句子补充完整,将其序号填在括号里。(每小题读两遍)5%

1. the great wall is about

a. 6 hundred 7 thousand kilometres

b. 6 thousand 7 hundred kilometres

c. 7 thousand 6 hundred kilometres

2. they are talking about

a. beijing b. new york c. landon

3. qingdao is in the

a. east of china b. north of china c. east of america

4. he is a

a. teacherb. doctorc. driver

5. mike is at

a. schoolb. the great wall c. home

五、 听音翻译。根据所听内容选择正确的中文翻译,将其序号填在括号里。


1. a. 它是一张长城的**。 b. 它是一张一堵大墙的**。c. 它是长城。

2. a. 它是一只猴子。 b. 它是一只猫吗? c. 它是一只猴子吗?

3. a. 告诉我一些关于纽约的事b. 告诉我关于伦敦的事。 c. 告诉我更多关于纽约的事。

4. a. 它有多大? b. 它有多高? c. 它多大年龄啦??

5. a. 你是一名教师吗b. 你是一名医生吗?。

c. 你是一名医生。

第二部分笔试 60%

一、 单词。20%

a. 根据汉语意思写词。15%




b. 单词归类。选择不同类的单词,将其序号填在括号里。5%

) 1. a. blue b. green c. red d. girl

) 2. a. cousin b. doctor c. brother d. sister

) 3. a. new york b. beijing c. canada d. landon

) 4. a. thousand b. something c. hundred d. million

) 5. a. chocolate b. ice cream c. tigerd. rice

二、 抄写。请按照英语书写要求认真书写以下句子。5%

beijing has got about fourteen million people. tell me more about the great wall.

三、 单项选择。阅读句子,选择最合适的一项内容,将其序号填在括号里。10%

1. a: how is itb: it’s about 8 thousand kilometers.

a. bigb. tallc. long

2. fujian is in the of china.

a. westb. east c. north

3a big map of canada!

a. thatb. wherec. what

4. these postcards great!

a. isb. arec. am

5. (选择与**内容相符的问句。)

a. are you a teacher?

b. are you a doctor?

c. are you a policeman?

四、 句子排序。阅读句子并按合理的先后顺序标上序号,组成一段对话。10%

) where is beijing?

how big is it?

fourteen million! that’s a lot!

it’s got fourteen million people.

it’s in the north of china.

五、 选择填空。10%

) tell me more __your city. a. of b. about c. from

) 2. do you like collectinga. a stamp b. stamps c. stamp

) 3. there are __shops and restaurants in this street.


2008 2009学年度第一学期郑家庄小学六年级英语阶段性检测。出卷人李丽伟审核人刘俊青 听一听 30 一 听一听,在你听到的内容下画 o q cabbage orange school windy peas 二 听句子,选出你听到的信息,将序号写在题前的括号内。5 7 a.20 b.12 c.22...


2013 2014上学期六年级英语期中试卷。一 词组,把序号写在括号中。10分 1.get toa.向左转。2 turn leftb.下车。3.get offc.直走。4.go straightd.与 相邻。5.next toe.一双。6.a pair off.一起来。7.come together...


1 词组英汉互译。5 1.去散步 old as 3.善于 years older 5.想做得更好 to school 7.和 一样强壮 the third stop 9.在中山路 off the train 2 选择填空。15 1.a sunny morning,iwent to the park ...