
发布 2020-03-26 11:09:28 阅读 4247

一. 请你试把下面的短语翻译过来。(每小题2分)


4.洗衣服5 观察昆虫 the trash

the the phone


二、 选择填空。(每小题1分)

can fly a in spring.

7:00 every morning.

to school to bed

area. apple treesb. apple tree c. apples tree

go home.

she your sister

isn’ is.

some bread and some apples on the table.

7. walk on the grass.

has orange t-shirt. it is on chair in his bedroom.

you ride a bike

am i i can.

are you?—i am 12 years old.


is my (brother) room.

arepotato). they are tasty.

there any smallhouse)in my village?

the (kangaroo)are (jump).

isplay) computer games.

are you (do) now?

7i likesing)anddance)

can (wash) the clothes.



a.let’s go fishing this weekend.

b. let’s go hiking this weekend.

c. let’s go ice-skating this weekend.

2.当别人跟你说:“may i borrow(借) your book?” 你回答说。

here you don’t think so.

3.当有人对你说:“happy birthday to you!”你应该说。

same to you.


old are you? can i do for you. to meet you.


do you do? am me.



ing 春天 im游泳 nny晴朗的 ld冷的。

mer夏天 mp 跳跃 me 时间 tball足球。

t 热的 lk 走路

三、 选择填空。(每小题1分)

can fly a in spring.

7:00 every morning.

to school to bed

area. apple treesb. apple tree c. apples tree

go home.

she your sister

isn’ is.

some bread and some apples on the table.

7. walk on the grass.

has orange t-shirt. it is on chair in his bedroom.

you ride a bike

am i i can.

are you?—i am 12 years old.


is my (brother) room.

arepotato). they are tasty.

there any smallhouse)in my village?

the (kangaroo)are (jump).

isplay) computer games.

are you (do) now?

7i likesing)anddance)

can (wash) the clothes.


1. going what to the are weekend you do on(?)

2. do which best you like season(?)


试卷类型 b 信发联合校2012 2013学年第一学期期末终结性评价。六年级语文和品社。注 本试卷共105分,语文80分,品社20分,卷面5分。语文部分。一 积累运用。32分 一 按要求写字 词 句。1 看拼音,写汉字,注意写得匀称 美观。4分 xi sy u yf d o s n l r n qi...

六年级语文试题 B卷

友情提示 请用钢笔认真书写,把字写端正,注意卷面整洁。字词花园 一 看拼音写词语。j n m h n k o m n l n d g o w n zh n b o yu n ku wu hu n t n q n b n x 二 给加点字选择正确的读音,用 标出。唱和 h h 血液 xu xi 勉强 ...


六年级语文 下 第六单元b卷。班级姓名分数 一 积累运用。74分 1 填空。12分 1 你一定读过很多课外书,给你印象最深刻的是请你介绍一下本书的主要内容8分 2 小学是我们人生的启蒙阶段。我们会常常记起老师的谆谆教诲。当我们淘气贪玩耽误了学习时 老师教育我 少壮不努力当我们为写作而烦恼时,老师启发...