
发布 2020-03-26 08:34:28 阅读 6793

六年级英语第四单元试卷姓名: 班级:


1. same (反义词2. does not (缩写。

3. hobby (复数4. watch (第三人称单数。

5. swim (-ing形式6. take (第三人称单数。

7. h**e ( 第三人称单数8. swim



1. england must __be) far from china.

2. hishobby) are running and swimming.

3. li lei oftentake) a trip. tomorrow he’s going to___take) a trip too

4. _do) jim usua

三。 find the different one. (找出不同类的选项填在括号里) 6%

( )1. a. morning b. evening c. afternoon d. tuesday

( )2. a. play football b. make kites c. collect stamps d. clean the room

( )3. a. park b. museum c. teacher d. school

( )4. a. go to bed b. go to work c. go to school d. study

( )5. a. english b. chinese c. beijing d.

( )6. a. watch b. write c. make d. pictures

四。 read and choose (根据**选出正确的答案) 10%

( )1. a. my mother is a teacher.

b. my mother is a doctor.

( )2. a. i like swimming.

b. i like diving.

( )3. a. he goes to work by subway.

b. he goes to work by bike.

( )4. a. dad reads comic books at night.

b. dad reads news***** at night.

( )5. a. let‘s go to the bookstore on saturday.

b. let’s go to the bookstore on sunday .

五。 read and choose.(选择合适的答案填在括号里) 10%

( )1. 当你想知道对方的爱好,应该怎么问:

a. what‘s your hobby ? b. what do you do ?

( )2. 当你询问朋友他的妈妈是否教英语时,应该问:

a. does your mother teach english ? b. does your mother like english ?

( )3. 下午碰到熟人怎么打招呼:

a. bye . b. good afternoon .

( )4. 当对方说谢谢的时候,你应该怎么回答:

a. no,thanks. b. you’re welcome .

( )5. 当你询问朋友是否喜欢集邮时,应该问:

a. are you collecting stamps ? b. do you like collecting stamps ?

( )6. how do you___there ?

a. goes

( )7. his parents___stamps , too .

a. likes collecting b. like collecting

8. ian e-mail to alice every week .

a. write b. reads

( )9. whomath ?

a. teaching b. teaches

( )10. i likekites .

a. make b. ******

六。 read and choose. (圈出与**相符的句子) 8%

( )1. a. he likes reading books. (2. a. she goes to school by bike .

b. he likes ****** kites . b. she goes to school by bus .

( )3. a. he likes swimming . 4. a. she likes jumping .

b. he likes diving . b. she likes skating .

七。 read and tick or cross.(看图读对话,并判断“∨”或“×”错) 10%

1. -does she live in the city ?

---no , she doesn‘t .

2. -does he teach english ?

---yes , he does .

3. -what’s your hobby ?

---i like playing the violin .

4. -does he go to school on foot ?

---yes , he does .

5. -does your dad read magazines every day ?

---yes , he does .

八。make sentences (连词成句) 5%

1. is your what hobby

2. like collecting i stamps

3. he does shanghai live in

4. goes bike he to by school

5. father teaches my english

九。read and choose. (阅读理解) 10%

to : sarah @ penpal . com

from : liu yun @ penpal . com

dear sarah ,english must be fun ! i live in china with my mom , my dad and my little brother . my mom is an english teacher .

she likes listening to music. my dad is a doctor . he likes watching tv .

my little brother is only four . he likes playing with his dolls . i‘m a student .

i like drawing pictures and collecting stamps .

your new friend

liu yun

( )1. where does liu yun live ?

a. china b. america

( )2. does liu yun like drawing pictures ?

a. yes , she does . b. no , she doesn’t .

( )3. what‘ s her mother’ s hobby ?

a. watching tv b. listening to music

( )4. is her father an english teacher ?

a. yes , he is . b. no , he isn‘t .

( )5. how many people are there in liu yun’s family ?

a. 3 b. 4


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