四年级上册英语5 6单元卷

发布 2020-03-25 06:47:28 阅读 8545




听力部分。一、listen and circle.(听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。)

1. men fan 2. had hid3. fat cat

4. not note 5. use us

二、listen and choose.(听录音,选出听到的单词。)

) spoon c. noodles

) c. glass

三、listen andtick or cross.(听录音,判断对错。)

) 1. he’s a doctor.

) 2. pass me a knife.

) 3. you can use chopsticks.

) 4. i’d like some soup and rice,please.

) 5. this is my aunt.

四、listen, choose and write.(听音填空)

1. this is my

2h**e a new classroom.

3is a doctor.

4. i’d like some

5. i h**e aschoolbag.

笔试部分。一、read and tick or cross.(判断下列单词读音划线部分是否相同。)

1 bed red2 mike milk3 use mum (

4 rose dog5 face make

二、read and choose.(从下列每组词中选出不同类的一项)

) 1. a. family b. cook c. doctor

) 2. a. people brother c. mother

) 3. a. farmer b .five c. four

) 4. a. bedroom b. brother c. bathroom

) 5. b. aunt c. bowl

三、choose the best answer.(选择填空)

) 1. my familyfour people.

a. are b. h**e c. has

) 2. what’s your___job?

a. aunt b. aunts c. aunt’s

) 3. my uncle___a football player.

a. am b. is c. are

) 4. -would you like some beef

a. you are. please. c. i like some beef.

) 5people are there in your family?

a. how much b. how many old

) 6.--would you like a knife and fork

a. sure. here you are. yourself. thanks.

) 7. -what would you like for dinner

a. i’d like some beef. b. i like some beef. c. ok, thank you.

) you like for lunch?

b. would c. do

) you like some noodles __dinner?

a. of b. to

)10. -pass __a bowl, please.

a. i b. we c. me


1. ab: i’d like some soup.

2. ab: no, thanks.

3. ab: yes, i’d like some fish.

4. a: what would you like?

c5. a: dinner’s ready.

bc五、read and choose.(读一读,选择正确的译文。)

) 1. would you like chopsticks?

a. 你想要什么? b. 你喜欢筷子吗? c. 你想要筷子吗?

) 2.见见我的家人。

a. this is my family. b. this is my home.

my family.

) like some chicken.

a. 我喜欢鸡肉。

b. 我想要鸡肉。

c. 我能吃点鸡肉吗?

) 4.你妈妈做什么工作?

a. what’s your mother’s job?

b. who is your mother?

c. where’s your mother?

) i h**e some noodles, please?

a. 我想吃面条。

b. 我能吃点面条吗?

c. 给我一碗面条吧。

七、read and order.( 连词成句。)

1. like noodles i’d some .

2. i’d some like beef .

3. is this mother my .

4. a she cook is .

5. would what you like ?

八、reading comprehension.(阅读理解,判断对错)

hello! come and meet my family. this is my is a doctor.

this is my mother. she is a doctor, girl is my sister. she is a teacher.

the big boy is my brother. he’s a driver. i am a student.

)1. there are four people in my family.

)2 my parents are doctors.

)3 my sister is a teacher.

)4 my brother is a cook.

) am a student.


一无所手待肝胆。无 无 昏昏眼花。目 口鸟归 一 一 呼 引 欢呼如 如 人心齐移。独脚难行。水涨船高。三个臭皮匠。一块砖头砌不成墙,一根木头盖不成房。一个好汉三个帮。二 词语搭配。身姿,叫声,感情,鸟儿。故事 精神,丘陵,烟雾。欢呼声,故事,地方。三 句式练习。1 把反问句改为陈述句。a 难道你要...


2013 2014学年度第一学期四年级语文。第。五 六单元测验卷。全卷100分答卷时间90分钟 一 基础与积累。40分 1.听写词语。10分 2.读拼音,写词语。8分 p ng h ng l n du ch ng l ng xi ng g p n xu n h i xi di o kb o l i ...

四年级上册英语1 2单元卷

小学英语 pep教材 四年级上学期第。一 二单元练习题 2013.9 nameclassmark 听力部分。一 listen and circle.听录音,圈出你所听到的字母。1.bp bd 2.od oe 3.ai jr 4.kg cj 5.ni mr 二 listen and choose.听录...