
发布 2020-03-23 00:18:28 阅读 8671



i. 单词 (words)



6. —good morning.

— g___morning.

7. —how o___are you?

— i'm four.

8. —what c___is it?

— it's blue.

9. —who is the b___

— he is my brother.

10. —is jack a good boy?

— nhe isn't.

ii.句子 (sentences)


11. lookthe blackboard, please.

a. upb. onc. atd. over

12. kate is mary's

a. daughter b. son c. brother d. father

13. look! the boys are

a. dance b. dancing c. singd. sings

14. one and two is

a. four b. two c. oned. three

15. it's aday today. let's go out for a walk.

a. running b. sunny c. cloud d. winter


16. what's this? (用rabbit回答问题)

17. he goes to bed at 8:30 every night. (把主语换成i改写句子)

18. do you h**e a bike? (作否定回答)

19. bees, busy, are, very, the (.连词成句,注意单词大小写)

20. the watermelon is big. it's sweet. (用and把两句话连接为一句话,意思不变)

iii.情景会话 (dialogues)

a)根据所给的情景,从a, b, c, d四个选项中选择正确的一项完成下列各题。(答案涂在答题纸上)

21. a. yes, i can.

b. no, i'm not.

c. yes, i do

d. no, we don't.

22. —is peter taller than amy?

a. no, i am not.

b. no, he isn't.

c. yes, i am.

d. yes, he is.

23. a. i want to go home.

b. i would like a waist coat.

c. i will go home.

d. i would like a jacket.

24. a. she's a nurse.

b. she's a farmer.

c. she's a teacher.

d. she's a cleaner.

25. a. i like jumping.

b. it's sunny today.

c. yes. i will.

d. i want to go to bed.


saleswoman: can i help you?

bill: 26

saleswoman: what colour do you like?

bill: 27

saleswoman: how about this pair?

bill: 28 how much are they?

saleswoman: 20 yuan.

bill: 29 bye-bye.

saleswoman: 30

iv.阅读理解 (reading comprehension)(共10小题,计10分)


mrs. white has a son and a daughter. on mother's day her son wants to buy a nice dress for her.

but the dress is too expensive. he hasn't got enough money. so he buys some chocolates.

mrs. white's daughter picks some beautiful flowers from the garden for her. they say "happy mother's day!

" mrs. white is very happy.

31. mrs. white has aand a daughter.

32. the dress is toofor the son.

33. her son buys somefor her.

34. her daughtersome beautiful flowers for her.

35. mrs. white is very happy onday.


joe is a student of class two, grade four. this morning he is late again. he gets to school at 8:

20. he says to his teacher,"sorry, i am late."

"oh, you are late again," says the teacher.

"it's not my fault(错), miss li," says joe. "my grandma doesn't put books in my bag. there are some apples, bananas and oranges in it.

on my way to school, i remembered(想到) this. so i went back home and get my books."

36. what class is joe in?

37. is joes late this morning?

38. what time does joe get to school?

39. who is joe's teacher?

40. does joe's grandma love him?


提示:以"i like every season"为题写一篇小作文。





vi.智力测试 (iq test) (共5小题,计5分) (答案涂或写在答题纸上)

42. a, d, h接下来的那个字母是什么?

43. its head is small, its neck is long and its four legs are short. it can hide(藏) its body in a hard shell(壳).

what is it?

44. as we know, black is to white, as cold is to

45. follow the lines to find out who will eat the ice lolly. (沿着线找出谁会吃冰棍。)

46. hello, boys and girls! each symbol represents a different number of minutes.

add them to see which animal wins the race. (同学们,下面的每一个符号都代表不同的分钟数。把它们加起来看看哪个动物会赢得比赛。)


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