
发布 2020-05-29 20:24:28 阅读 6965





) 1. a. socks b. hot c. who

) 2. a. who b. why c. when

) 3. a. say b. play c. says

) 4. a. book b. food c. football

) 5. a. snow b. now c. window


1. foot(复数形式2. left(反义词。

3. that(复数形式4. your(名词性物主代词。

5. for(同音词6. watch(第三人称单数。

7. fortieth(基数词8. these (反义词。

9. he**y(比较级10. september(缩写形式。


are somephoto) on the wall.

2.--what is your father’s job?

---he’s adrive).

your clothes. putthey) on, please.

4. march is thethree) month of a year.

5. shedo) her homework yesterday evening.

time tolunch) .

7. he comes from the usa. but he can speakchina) well.


9. (shename is mary.

10. amylike) singing

四、单项选择,把正确答案的序号填入题前的( )里。(20分)

) can play __the clean dog after class.

inc. at

) your mother __huizhou? yes, she is.

goes to c. visiting

) and zip don’t skate. they sleep.

a. coming b. comec. comes

) brother is a teacher. he works in a __


) is the weather today? it’s___

) is she

doc. does

) you __a good time ?


) do you h**e __lunch?

) and mary h**e bread and milk___the morning

onc. at

) itin guangzhou?

a. raining

五。 智力测试(10分)

) 1. this is the name of a day. there are six letters in it.

the third letter is n. but there is no s in it. what day is it?


a. sunday b. monday c. wednesday d. friday

) uncle has a brother, but this man isn’t my uncle. he is

a. my aunt b . my mother c. my father d. my grandpa

) 3. tom’s parents h**e a child. but the child is neither his sister nor his brother.

who is the child

a. jerry. b. john. c. alex. d. tom.

) like a book 这就话的意思是。

a.象书一样说话 b. 望文生义 c. 咬文嚼字 d.背书。

)5. it rains cat and dogs.

a. 下猫下狗 b. 倾盆大雨 c. 毛毛雨 d. 不下雨。


) 1. what do you do on the weekend? a. no, i'm going hiking.

) 2. when is children's dayb. i'm doing homework.

) season do you like best? c. june 1st

) 4. are you climbing the mountain? d. winter. i can play with snow.

) 5. what are you doing? e. i often do homework and go hiking.


my name is tim. today is wednesday. my parents and me go to the zoo.

i see many animals. monkeys are climbing. bears are sleeping.

a dog is running. it’s very happy. this dog is mine.

i love him. today i’m happy, too. because today is my birthday.

it’s on june 8th. my aunt judy’s birthday is coming, too. she will be 38 years old.

dad and mum are going to take me to her house. she lives in linyi. we are going to go there by bus.

her birthday party will be on saturday. we are le**ing on friday afternoon. and we are coming back on sunday evening.

i am going to give my dear aunt judy a picture. i can draw a dog and many flowers. because she likes dogs and flowers.

i will h**e a busy weekend.

) 1. when is tim’s birthday?

a. june 8th. 18th. 8th.

) 2. aunt judy’s birthday party will be on___

a. friday b. saturday c. sunday

) 3. she lives in __they are going there by___

a. guilin; bus b. linyi; bus c. linxi; plane

) does tim come back?

a. saturday b. friday afternoon c. sunday evening

) 5. aunt judy likes

a. pictures b. dogs and flowers c. flowers


要求:1语句通顺,语法正确,书写清楚、规范。 2.不少于5个句子。


2013 2014四年级下学期英语竞赛试题。班级姓名分数。一1 根据提示写出单词。共5小题,计5分,答案写在答题纸上 1.家,家庭2.喜欢,爱。3.谁4.十二点二十5.农民。2 选择划线字母读音与其它三个不同的单词。5分 二 选择与问题相应的答案。5分 1.what are you doinga i...


一 按要求写出下列各词的适当形式。10分 复数同音词。完全形式 not 缩写形式。完全形式。二 填空。10分 由 笔写成在四线三格中占 格。的第二笔是由 笔写成。的第一笔是。三 单项选择题。20分 1 i m going a film.a see b to see c seeing 2 he oft...


第一部分基础测试 40分 一 把下列词翻译成英语。20分 1 包 2 男孩 3 钢笔4 水5 尺子 6 鸡肉 7 米饭 8 学生9 铅笔 10 书本。二 写出下列英语单词的汉语意思。20分 1 bedroom 2 chinese book 3 picture 4 chopsticks 5 we6 c...