
发布 2020-05-29 21:05:28 阅读 1069




)1. a nameb manec gamed rain

)2. a rightb nightc lightd white

)3. a eatb meatc bigd pig

)4. a在……上面 b 在……下面 c 在……旁边 d 在……后面。

)5. a 30b 13c 33d 3


)1. a. yes, she canb. yes, she can’t.

c. no, he cand. no, he can’t.

)2. a. he’s eightb. yes, he is.

c. he’s fined. no, he isn’t.

)3. a. she’s okb. she’s at home.

c. she’s a nursed. she’s 35.

)4. a. it’s tenb. it’s eleven.

c. it’s thirteend. it’s twelve.

)5. a. it’s marchb. it’s may.

c. it’s julyd. august.


1. he___to eat noodles

2plus __equals nine.

3. does a___live in ayes.

4. liming __to school at 7:00.

5. look! there are three___




1you like aof tea? yes, please.

2. my family___in a house.

3. why do you want to drinki’m

4. the chair is below the picture, the picture is __the chair.

5. how do youi’m冷的).

6. how’s theit’s晴朗的).


)1. lili and lingling __flying kites.

a. amb. isc. ared. be

)2. i like to listen to the___

a. checkers b. radioc. computer d. cards

)3 she is __and he is___

a. siting, eating b. sitting, eating c. siting, eatting d. sitting, eatting

)4. it’s time __lunch.

a. tob. withc.

)5. what __her mother___

a. does, does b. do, doc. do, doesd. does, do


)1. it’s a number, it’s behind twenty eight and in front of thirty.

a. twenty seven b. twenty nine c. thirty one d. thirty nine

)2. this is an animal, it lives it the forest, in likes to eat bamboo, it wears black and white clothes.

a. monkeyb. tigerc. zebrad. panda

)3. this is a kind of clothes, girls like them but boys don’t, they are___

a. shortsb. dressc. dressesd. dresser

)4. this is a kind of sports, we do this sport outside, the weather is fine, two people play together, the ball has feathers.

a. ping-pongb. badminton c. footballd. checkers

)5. she is very kind, she is our friends, we meet from monday to friday, she teaches us the things we don’t know.

a. clerkb. nursec. cashierd. teacher


2013 2014四年级下学期英语竞赛试题。班级姓名分数。一1 根据提示写出单词。共5小题,计5分,答案写在答题纸上 1.家,家庭2.喜欢,爱。3.谁4.十二点二十5.农民。2 选择划线字母读音与其它三个不同的单词。5分 二 选择与问题相应的答案。5分 1.what are you doinga i...


班别姓名学号。2018 2019学年度第二学期。五年级英语竞赛试题。一 选出下列单词划线部分读音不同的一项。5分 1.a.socks b.hot c.who 2.a.who b.why c.when 3.a.say b.play c.says 4.a.book b.food c.football 5...


一 按要求写出下列各词的适当形式。10分 复数同音词。完全形式 not 缩写形式。完全形式。二 填空。10分 由 笔写成在四线三格中占 格。的第二笔是由 笔写成。的第一笔是。三 单项选择题。20分 1 i m going a film.a see b to see c seeing 2 he oft...