小学四年级英语竞赛试题 含答案

发布 2022-02-01 15:09:28 阅读 1942


1. job(职业)

2. fruit(水果)

3. clothes(衣服) 4 .colour(颜色)

5. body(人体) 6. vehicle(交通工具)

7. stationery(文具)8. animal(动物)


1. school is over. let's gonow.

a. to class

b. home

c. to bed

2. mary no new pens and pencils.

a. h**e

b. h**ing

c. has

3. is this computer your father's or yours? .

a. mine.

b. your.

c. yes, it's my father's.

4at the blackboard!can youit?

a. look; see

b. watch; see

c. see; look

5. the girl is five but she canpictures all by herself.

a. draw

b. draws

c. to draw

6. animals are ourfriends.

a. good

b. very

c. well

7. it's timego to school.

a. in

b. for

c. to

8. the pencil is

a. of jim

b. of jim's

c. jim's

happy birthday to you! b:__

b. thank you !

c. great!

10clever you are!

a. how

b. what

c. it's

11. look atwall on the left. there isold photo on it. it's

___photo of my family.

a. a; an; the

b. the; a; a

c. the; an; a

12. i knowisbrother, but i really don't like

a. she; yours; her

b. him; her; him

c. he; her; him

13. do you like to go __thereme?

a. on; after

b. to; and

c. /with

14. today is a red letter day. everyone is happy. “a red letter day”的汉语意思

是: a. 喜庆的日子

b. 红色的一天

c. 来信的日子

三。 情景对话。(5题,计10分)

1. a:what's your name? b:my name is cindy.

ab:yes, c-i-n-d-y, cindy.

a. how are you

b. how do you do

c. can you spell it, please

d. what can i do

s eight thirty.

a. how old is your grandma

b. how many students are there in your class

c. what's the time, please

d. what number is your car

3. a:you speak good english. b

a. no, not at all

b. thank you

c. you are welcome

d. it doesn't matter

4. a:who's under the tree over there? b:frank and dale.

ab:frank's bird.

a. where is it

b. who's that

c. what's that

d. how is it

old are you? b:


)1、what do you doing ? i’m watching tv.

a b c

)2、the children is running in the playground .

a b c

)3、tom’s brothers has six dogs.

a b c

)4、are there any peoples on the desk?

a b c

)5、i like playing the football with my friends .

a b c

五句式转换(sentence pattern transformation)(共5小题,计15分)


1. my classmate's name is jim green. (同义句转换)

jim green

2. i can see the cat on the wall. (改为一般疑问句)

the cat on the wall?

3. the house is in the centre of the city. (对画线部分提问)

4. there are some oranges in the basket. (变成否定句)

any oranges in the basket.

5. we h**e two new computers. (对画线部分提问)

new computers do you h**e?


dear amy,

how are you? i’m very well. london is very cold now.

is it cold in beijing too? it was my birthday on saturday. now i’m nine.

here is a photo of me on my birthday.

this is my new friend, zara. she’s got long, black hair. she’ s very nice.

this is a picture of zara and me. we were at buckingham palace.

write to me soon. tell me about china.


lucy ) 1. is the letter from amy? a.

yes, it is. b. no, it isn’t.

(is lucy? a. very well.

b. not good. (old is lucy now?

a. she is nine. b.

she is eight.

) 4. who is lucy’s new friend? a. zara. b. amy.

) 5. where is lucy now? a. she’s in beijing. b. she’s in london.

there are four coats on the desk. they are red,yellow,black and blue. they are li mei's, li hong's, ligang's, and li qiang's.

i know li mei likes red , but the red

isn't hers. what colour is li gang's coat? i don't know,but i know his coat isn't hong and li mei say,“our coats aren't black.

”li qiang says ,“my coat is blue.”

仔细阅读, 在下列句子前标上(对) √或(不对)×.

) are five coats on the desk.

) qiang's coat is blue.

) gang's coat is black.

) hong's coat is yellow.

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