
发布 2020-03-21 05:14:28 阅读 9862




)1. ab2. ab.

)3. ab4. ab.

)5. ab6. ab.

)7. ab8. ab.

)9. ab10. ab.



)1. a. he’s behind the tree. b. i’m behind the door.

)2. a. ten yuan, pleaseb. here you are.

)3. a. i’m ****** dumplings. b. he is jumping.

)4. a. yes, i wantb. yes, please.

)5. a. sorry, you can’tb. no, i can’t.



一)1. amya.

2. samb.

3. damingc.

4. linglingd.

5. tome.


2b. 3c.



( )1. a. street b. behind c. beside

( )2. a. reading b. running c. sing

( )3. a. drink b. row c. chess

( )4. a. tomato c. potato

( )5. a. run b. fast c. strong


( )1. horse house2. live cinema

( )3. noodle food4. high right

( )5. afraid dragon


)1. —where are you tom?

i’m __your left.

a. in b. on c. at

)2. he’s reading a book __china.

a. to b. about c. at

)3. —do you want some dumplings?

a. yes, i do. b. yes, please. c. yes, i am.

)4. she __riding a bike. and i like __a kite.

a. like, fly b. likes, fly c. likes, flying

)5. let’s __on the bus. we can see lots of interesting things.

b. gets c. getting

)6. juice __ice is very nice.

a. of b. with c. and

)7. —can you jump high, daming?

a. yes, i can, b. no, i can. c. yes, he can.

)8. —can amy __

yes, she can.

a. skates b. skate

)9. this dog __lost.

a. is b. are c. am

)10. tom is __a toy train.

a. playing with b. play with c. playing


)1. excuse me. where is the supermarket, please?

)2. what is sam doing?

)3. thank you so much.

)4. do you want some rice?

)5. can lingling play basketball?


hello!i am lily. i'm eleven.

i like drawing pictures. i like english food. and i like chinese food, too.

now i am playing with my friends in the park. this is my friend daming. he's a clever boy.

he can play football. he's strong. now he is playing football.

look. that is lingling. she is taking pictures.

she is short. she likes running. she can run fast.

a girl is talking to lingling. she is my sister, lucy. she's tall.

she likes taking pictures. we are all good friends.

) isa.

) likes

a. chinese food food a and b

) is playing

a .basketball tennis

)4likes running.

)'s sister likes



( )1. what do people do at the dragon boat festival(端午节)?

a. they eat mooncakes and sing moon songs.

b. they eat zongzi and row dragon boats.

)2. which(哪些)food is chinese fast food?

a. dumplings, noodles, rice, baozi, soyamilk.

b. hamburger, hotdog, cola, chips, piza.

)3. 打扰别人时出于礼貌,你应先说 __

a. excuse


2013 2014学年第一学期。四年级英语期中学情调研试题。听力部分。听录音,根据录音内容圈出正确的 序号。a ba ba b ab 1 听录音选择合适的单词补全句子,把序号填到题前的括号里。1.my seat is near thea.door b.classroom 2.let s clean ...


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