
发布 2020-03-21 06:08:28 阅读 7566







) 1. a. it’s on the second floor. b. it’s a playground.

) 2. a. it’s time for dinner. b. it’s 7 o’clock.

) 3、a、yes, you can. b、yes, i can.

) 4、a、it’s sunny. b、it’s 12:00.

)5. a. yes, we do. b. yes, it is.


1、 教师办公室2、hurry up___

3、 操场4、be careful

5、寒冷的6、get up___

7、早饭8、weather report

9、体育课10、go outside


)1. time __go to bed. a. at b. for c. to

)2. school over. let′s go to the playground.

)3. our music room is __the second floor.

a. in b. on c. under

)4. can i go outside now?

a. yes, you can’t b. yes, you can. c. no, you can.

)5. it's time __math class. a. at b. for c. to

( )6. it’s 5:00. let’s __

a. go home b. go to home c. home

)7. that the art room? no

a、is… is itn’t. b、is… it isn’t. c、do… it is.

)8. what time is it? it's

a. at 5:00 o'clock b. 3:00 o'clock c. there

( )9. _about new york? b. how c. where

( )10. what’s the weather like __beijing?

a. on b. at c. in


)1、it’s time for english. a. yes, it is.

)2、let’s play football ! b. let’s read and write

)3、what time is it? c. ok.

)4、how many books are there ? d. it’s five o’clock.

)5、is it cool? e. forty-one.


1. it’s in today hot sunny and sydney( .

2. i some can h**e soup (

3. time go it’s to school to (

4. you music do a h**e room (

5. it library the next is to (

句子排序。 )it’s rainy. what’s the weather like in beijing? is it cold?

)hi,chen jie. this is mark.

)can you go outside ?

)no, it isn’t. it’s 26°.

)hi , the weather like in new york?

)yes, i can.


the weather is warm and windy today. i can wear(穿) my shirt(衬衣) and jeans(牛仔裤). i fly a kite on the playground.

tom and jack wear their t-shirt and shorts. they play football. but in harbin, it's cold and snowy today.

people can make a snowman(堆雪人) .it’s funny.

)1、it’s cloudy and windy today.

)2、it's windy. i can fly a kite.

)3、tom and jack play football.

)4、it's snowy in harbin today.

)5、i can make a snowman.



2013 2014学年第一学期。四年级英语期中学情调研试题。听力部分。听录音,根据录音内容圈出正确的 序号。a ba ba b ab 1 听录音选择合适的单词补全句子,把序号填到题前的括号里。1.my seat is near thea.door b.classroom 2.let s clean ...


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