
发布 2020-03-19 17:26:28 阅读 9008


一、 把下列字母组成学过的单词,并写出其汉语意思。(10分)







)1、chinese a、england b、america c、english

)2、storybook a、schoolbag b、notebook c、pencil

)3、put a、away b、take c、good

)4、two a、time b、toy c、six

)5、white a、blue b、cute c、key

三、 选出下列每组单词划线部分发音不同的一项。(10分)

)1、a、like b、five c、big

)2、a、pig b、ice c、nice

)3、a、big b、fine c、six

)4、a、cat b、cake c、dad

)5、a、face b、hat c、name

四、 将下列句子与其相应的汉语意思连线,将序号填在括号里。(10分)

)1、there is a bee in our classroom. a、它在灯上。

)2、it’s on the lightb、在我们的教室里有一只蜜蜂。

)3、where is it now? c、这是什么?

)4、what’s thisd、噢,是的,真是一只蜜蜂。

)5、ah, yes. it’s really a bee. e、 它现在在**?

五、 为下列句子选择恰当的答语。(10分)

)1、how many fans? a、it’s near the door.

)2、where’s my seat? b、wow! it’s nice.

)3、look at the picture. c、it’s a computer.

)4、what’s thisd、really? let’s go and see.

)5、we h**e a new classroom. e、there are four.


)1、my schoolbag is whiteblack.

a、or b、and c、but

)2、may i h**e a look? here you are.

a、sure b、yes c、oh

)3、 in the box? it’s my ball.

a、how is b、what’s c、where’s

)4、how is it? 50 yuan.

a、much b、many c、nice

)5、 is your ruler? it’s in my book.

a、what b、where c、how


near colour h**e an so

1、what do you in your schoolbag?

2、three keys、two toys and englishbook.

3、what is it ?

4、thank you much.

5、put your eraser your pencilbox.


1、 is in what it (

2、 is he**y my schoolbag (

3、 a book it’s maths

4、 h**e a i new schoolbag (

5、 a our there’s classroom in bee (


my name is zhang kai . i’m ten now . i h**e a

new schoolbag. it’s big and he**y. there are many

books in it . a chinese book , a maths book , an english book and six picture books . there is a pink pencil box in it .

my schoolbag is black and white . how

nice it is!

( )1、zhang kai is ten now .

( )2、he has a new pencil .

( )3、there is one book in his schoolbag .

( )4、his pencilbox is pink .

( )5、his schoolbag is nice .


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