
发布 2020-03-18 09:13:28 阅读 8652






) potato b. tomatoc. carrot

) scarfb. umbrellac. glove

) sockb. shortsc. pack

) whose b. thosec. who

) garden b. sunglassc. class



) black. music room,. on the second floor.

) in the desk.

) they aren’t. are green beans. aren’t, )yuanb.30c.12yuan.

) name’s chenjie. chenjie’ expensive.



( )fork

( )yellow

( )warm


sh__r__ h__n c__mp__ter j__cke__ loud__


h**e many nice __scarf / scarves).

many __sheep / sheeps) do you see?

pen is it? it’s___my / mine)

the weather like today? it’s___sunny / sun)

time togo bed / go to bed).


)1.—where is the art room?

—it is __third floor.

a. on b. /the

) time __h**e dinner.

a. for b. to c. on

) at the clock, what __is it ?

a. time b. colour c. about

) sunny in hainan, how __beijing?

a. many b. oldc. about

) scarf is nice, but it’s __expensive.

a. two b. toc. too

)6. —can i help you

a. good b. yes, how much is the skirt? c. it’s $20.

)7. —are these sarah’s clothes? —yes

a. they are b. these are c. those are

)8.—whose hat is it? —it’s my __

a. yoursb. father’s c. fathers

) pants __mine.

a. amb. isc. are

)10.—how much is that red skirt? –very___

a. nice b. cheap c. long


1. colours we h**e for many you.

your those gloves?

cold is in it.

to go is it time to.

to they carrots eat.


ab: this dress is beautiful

a: of course

b: how much is it ?

ab: oh, it’s too expensive.

ait’s cheap.

b: oh, i like it, too. i will take it.


there is a big farm near my house. there are some animals at the farm. there are thirty cows, twelve sheep ,eight horses, ten goats and ten lambs.

the cows are white and black, and they are big. they h**e big noses, big eyes and long tails. they give us a lot of milk every day.

the sheep are friendly. they are very cute.

) farm is behind my house.

) cows are black and white.

) are twelve horses in the farm.

) cows give us milk .

) are many flowers in the farm.


泗阳县2014 2015学年度第一学期。四年级语文期末学业质量分析得分。一 根据要求写字词句。23分 1.根据拼音写出汉字并填空。10分 sh n l u c n ku j ch f ku n z n ti n f n n o d zh xi o hu qu f hu n b n 2.我会查字典。2...


小学四年级2011年9月份月考试题。数学。总分 100分时间 90分钟。卷首语 亲爱的同学,经过一个月的学习,考察你能力的时候到了。这份试卷将展示你的学识与才华,记录你的智慧与收获。相信自己吧,相信你独特的思考 个性化的体验 富有创意的表达一定是最棒的!一 填空。24分 个一千是 万,个十万是一百万...

2019春期中四年级英语 定稿

2015年春季期中教学质量检测。四年级英语。40分钟完成,总分100分 听力部分 五个大题,共60分 一 听音标号。根据你所听到的单词给下列相应的 用l 的顺序标号。每小题读两遍。共计10分 二 听音选择。20分 a 听辩字母或短语。从a b选项中选出你所听到的一项,并将其字母标号填入题前括号内。每...