
发布 2020-03-18 06:05:28 阅读 1522


1欢迎) to our school. 2是谁) that boy ?

3他是)a new学生). a老师).

5. don’t爬树) again.

6. good晚上). 7是谁) the boy长着) a big nose ?

my哥哥). 9. is that girl你的) sister ?

10哪个) one ? 11. the one穿着)the白色)skirt .

12这)is my朋友). boy’s嘴) is big.

14. we’re迟到) for the聚会). 快点).

16**) your brother ? 17他的) socks are black.

18.who’s that man那边)?

19什么) your工作)? 20. i’m a男服务员).

21. are他们) waiters ? 22. what are他们的) jobs ?

23. they’re司机). 24. they’re女服务员).

a nice厨师). 26. he’s an old农民).

27. what’s他的) job ? what’s她的) job ? what’s你的)job?

28. they’re女警察 ).

29. look at that妇女one ( 哪一个)?

one in the red毛衣). she’s my奶奶)

31.how old is she大约六十)

32.it’s a cold today是吗)

33.the driver’sand裙子和裤子)are in the tree.

34.what’s她的)name ? 35他姐姐) is a teacher.

35. what are这些)? they’re葡萄)

36.what are那些)? they’re梨他们) big .



39.i’d like桃子). 40or这些还是那些)

41.i think the dogs在那边) are very瘦) .

42. let’s go乘出租车去).

43.how do we去那里 )?

44.shall we go to the车站). s the超市)

46有) many books in the图书馆)

47.there is一个机场) near the station.

48让我们) go to the医院) by中巴).

younow (有空)?50. good主意).

we go步行).

51. she see some鞋子) and衬衫) in the商店).



54.howyou ? 55. someplease . 请来些面条)


57. 还有别的吗。


59.它们多少钱?how32元yuan .

60. let’s go and play篮球) 。but i am饿)

61.给你一些蛋糕。 heresomefor you.

62. 给你一些面包。 heresomefor you.

63.给你一些水somefor you.

64. swe go now ? no. i can’t动) now.


1、look at this boyhis ) a student . 2、that girl is my friend. _she) hair is long

3、who’s that woman overhereher) is miss li.

4、what arethey )jobshe ) are drivers.

5、it’s six o’clocki ) are late for the party. let’s hurry.

6、leti ) help you. thankyour ) very much. .

7、what’syou ) job ? i am a waitress. this isi )bike .

8、are theypolicewoman) ?nothem) aren’t .

9、what’she ) jobis a cook.

10、what’sshe ) jobis a doctor.

11、whatbethis )?they’repeach).

12、what arethese) over there ? they’re西瓜)

13、how many公斤you like ? one公斤),please.

14、these orthat )?the greenone ),please.


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