
发布 2020-03-17 22:13:28 阅读 4571


一、 复习时间安排。


第1、 2课时——unit1/ 2 / 3

第3课时——unit 4

第4课时——unit 5

第5课时——unit 6

第6课时——unit 7

第7课时——unit 8

第8课时——unit 9



二、 复习重点及方法。






重点词汇:dumpling, delicious, beautiful, lantern, fever, sick, drive, exciting, fun, tired, bumper car, roller coaster,spring festival, new year’s day

重点句子:1 it’s like new year’s day.

2 help yourself to dumplings.

3 how delicious!

4 we make dumplings on spring festival.

5 that’s a good idea.

6 what’s the matter?

7 you look sick.

8 i h**e a fever.

9 it looks exciting.

10 i’m scared.

11 what time is it?

12 it’s four thirty.

重要知识点: 名词的复数形式、简单的感叹句、常用固定短语,如:help yourself to, h**e a fever, a good idea等。

unit 4

重点词汇:watch, robot, department store, present, cost

重点句子:1 where are you going?

2 to the department store.

3 what about a robot?

4 he likes ****** robots.

5 watches cost too much.

6 i want to buy him a present.

重要语法: 动词的单数第三人称形式、动名词(he likes ****** robots.)、人称代。

词的宾格形式(i want to buy him a present.)

重要知识点:what about… look for want to + 动词原形。

to+地点(到……去) on +星期几 buy+人+物品。

too (much / big / small)


2 短语题:根据所给汉语将下列词组补充完整。例:look __寻找)

3 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主)

例:1 he likes __robots. a make b ****** c makes

2 ken’s birthday is __monday. a in b at c on

3 i want to buy __a present. a him b he c his

unit 5

重点词汇:aunt, blow, write, thank-you card, hide, uncle,

重点句子:1 happy birthday to you!

2 this is for you.

3 this is from your aunt.

4 don’t say that.

5 write a thank-you card.

重要语法: 介词(this is for you./ this is from your aunt.)

语言的交际功能与运用 (—happy birthday!——thank you.)

动词的单数第三人称形式(here he comes.)

重要知识点:blow out (把……吹灭) a thank-you card don’t + 动词原形。


2 短语题:根据所给**选出相应的短语。例:blow out

3 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主)

例:1 this is __you. a on b for c with

2 don’t __that. a says b saying c say

4 排列句子顺序:a. wow! it’s a robot!

b. thank you.

c. this is for you.

d. you’re welcome.

e. i like ****** robots.


unit 6

重点词汇:spring, summer, winter, fall, cool, warm, season, like, skate, which

重点句子:1 which season do you like?

2 i like spring.

3 it’s warm.

4 i don’t like winter.

5 he doesn’t like winter.

6 i like skating / swimming.

重要语法:动名词(i like skating / swimming.)

语言的交际功能与运用(——which season do you like?

—i like …)

i like… i don’t like…)

动词单数第三人称形式的否定形式(he doesn’t like winter.)

重要知识点:in + 季节

题型建议:1词汇题:根据**,将下列单词补充完整。例:w_ _ter

2 单项选择:(以本课重要知识点及语法为主)

例:1 he __like winter. a don’t b do c doesn’t

2 i likea swim b swimming c swiming

3 阅读理解:

it’s spring. li li likes spring very much, because it’s warm. jimmy likes winter.

there is snow in winter. he likes skating. but jess doesn’t like winter, because it’s too cold.

which season does ken like? ken likes summer. he can swim in the water.

he likes swimming. can robo swim? no, he can’t.

he doesn’t like water.

a 根据短文判断正(t) 误(f)

1. jess doesn’t like winter. (t)

2. robo can swim very well. (f)

b 根据短文回答问题。

1 why does li li like spring? because it’s warm.

2 does ken like swimming? yes, he does.

c. 根据短文内容填空。

1 ken likes __he can __

2 robo __swim.

unit 7

重点词汇:ask, china, policeman, post office, take, send

重点句子:1 where is the post office?

2 it’s over there.

3 let’s ask him.

4 may i help you?.

5 i want to send this to china.


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