
发布 2020-03-17 21:03:28 阅读 1566


一. 完成以下练习, 圈出划线部分发音与众不同的单词:

1. (rough ) shout rough brown

2. (thin ) brother there thin

3. (bread ) bread bean week

4. (know ) kite know breakfast

5. (glove ) coffee gloves watch

6. (gloves ) large gloves age

7. (fly ) many fly thirsty

8. (picnic ) circle picnic corn

9. (second ) these rose second

10. (week ) bread ready week

11. (smooth ) both fifth smooth

12. (school ) school catch teacher

13. (thank ) thank there they

14. (dogs ) dogs hoops wakes

15. (抱歉,这题由于不仔细,错了,发音都一致 ) money love sunny

16. (whose ) whose which when

17. (swim ) swim histhis

18. (cinema ) library cinema bike


1. there is __a desk___and __two shelves___in my room.

2. we need __a camerasome water___and __some applesfor the party.

3. i know a lot of vegetables, such as beans, _peasonionsand __eggplants___

4. we’ll __sing___danceh**e a picnic___in huangxing park.

5. we like __playing gamesh**ing a picnicand __going boating___on weekends.

6. the children like to __listen to musicsing a song___and __play games___on sunday morning.

7. there are many __beesbutterflies___and___ladybirds___in the garden. they are all insects.


1. what time do you usually go to bed? _at nine. /i go to bed at ten._

2. what is the date today?_it’s jan 5th.__

3. what day is it today?__it’s wednesday.__

4. do you like vegetables or not?__i like vegetables. /i don’t like vegetables

5. what do cats like to eat? _meat./ they like to eat meat.__

6. when do you get up every day?__at seven. /i get up at seven.__

7. what’s in your hand? _there’s a pen. /a pen.__

8. which insects do you like? _i like bees. /bees.__

9. which animals do you like? _i like dogs. /dogs.__

10. which vegetables do you like?__i like beans. /beans.__

11. which drink do you like?__i like coke./ coke.__

12. what fruit do you like to eat? _i like to eat apples. /apples.__

13. what are you wearing today? _i’m wearing a coat.__

14. is there a computer on the teacher’s desk?__yes, there is.__

15. how many pencils h**e you got? _i h**e got six. /six.__

16. what can’t you do in the cinema? _i can’t shout. /shout.__

17. where do you like to do your homework? _i like to do my homework at home.

/in the classroom.__


1. jack’s birthday is in july the twenty-fifth. (对划线部分提问)

__when’s jack’s birthday?__

2. this blue toy car is my brother’s. (对划线部分提问)

__whose is this blue toy car

3. that is my mother’s white dress. (对划线部分提问)

_whose white dress is that

5. may likes to eat beans. (对划线部分提问)

___what does may like to eat?__

6. we don’t h**e supper in the kitchen. (肯定句)

___we h**e supper in the kitchen.__

7. she’s got a pencil in her hand. (一般疑问句)

___has she got a pencil in her hand

8. we need three long ropes for our sports meet. (对划线部分提问)

___how many long ropes do you need for your sports meet?__

9. we’ve got some pingpong bats in our classroom. (一般疑问句)

___h**e you got any pingpong bats in your classroom?__

10. these pineapples touch rough. (对划线部分提问)

__how do these pineapples touch?__

11. there are some strawberries in the fruit shop. (对划线部分提问)

__what’s in the fruit shop? (不能用 what are there in the fruit shop?)_

12. please climb the tree. (否定句)

_please don’t climb the tree.__

13. the butterflies can fly among flowers. (对划线部分提问)

__what can the butterflies do among flowers?__

14. these are my uncle’s shoes. (对划线部分提问)

__whose shoes are these?__

15. his brown sneakers are 380 yuan. (对划线部分提问)

___how much are his brown sneakers?__

16. this pair of socks is 10 yuan. (对划线部分提问)

how much is this pair of socks?__

17. grandma often does her housework in the kitchen. ***一般疑问句)

__does grandma often do her housework in the kitchen?__

18. sandy is going to play games this afternoon. (对划线部分提问)

_what is sandy going to do this afternoon?__


c ) 2. look, these are my flowers. –wowbeautiful they are!


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