三年级下英语作业 4月30号

发布 2020-03-05 14:20:28 阅读 3384


一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在( )内。

) grandma b. grandpa c. ice-cream

)2. a. dad b. teacher c. mom

)3. a. boy b. girl c. student


)1.— is that man? b:he is my grandfather.

a. what b. who

) that ?b:she’s my grandmother.

)3. a: who’s that __b: she’s my mother

a. man b. woman c. girl d. boy

)4. a: who’s that man? b: _is my father

a. he b. she c. he d. she

) 5. a: who’s that woman? bmy mother.

a. she’s b. she’s c. he’s d. he’s

)6. this __my friend, ann. she __from america

a. is… amb. is …isc. is … amd. is …is

)7. a: who’ thisb: he’s my brother

a. boy b. girlw

) 8. a: who’ this girl? b: _my sister.

a. he’s b. she’s

)9. a: let’s watch tv. b

a. great b. welcome


)1. what's your name? a. i'm from china.

)2. where are you from? b. he's my grandpa.

)'sthatmanc. my name is tutu.


)1. —who is that woman? —she is my

a. mother b. father

) 2. —who is that man? —he is my .

a. grandmother b. grandfather

( )3. —who is that boy? —he is my .

a. sister b. brother

) 4.—who is this ? she is my sister.

a. woman b. girl

) 5. —who is that ?—he is my father.

a. man b. woman

() 6. —who is that woman? —she is my .


)1. 不知道那个男孩是谁,你会问:

a. who’s that man?b. who’s that boy? c. who’s she?

)2. 向妈妈介绍你的朋友迈克,你说:a. this is my friend, what’s your name? c. he is mike.

)3. 下午见到怀特小姐,你说:

a. good morning, miss white. b.

good afternoon, miss white. c. good evening, miss white.

x k b1 .c o m

)4.如何询问“你来自**?”a、where are you from?. b、how are you?. c、nice to meet you.


a、i’m from china.

from america from canada.


old are you?b. i’m .nice to meet you.

)7、如何介绍你的朋友: name’s chen jie.

b. i’m from america. c .this is my friend,amy.


) 1. is she your sister? a. hello, john.

) 2. who’s that boy? b. nice to meet you, too.

) 3. let’s watch tv. c. no, she is my friend.

) 4. hello, amy. d. she’s my grandma.

) 5. nice to meet you. e. he’s my brother.

) 6. who’s that woman? f. thank you.

) 7. h**e some tea. g. ok.


look at this photo(**).this woman is my mother. she is man is my father.

he is girl is my sister. she is 11. the little boy is me.

i am love them. and they love me very much.

) woman is my mother.

) mother is 37.

) father is 36.

) am six.

) are four people in my family.


) 1feed the animals!

a. not b. doesn’t c. don’t

) 2. it’s black __white.

a. so b. but c. and

) 3. a monkey __a __tail.

a. h**e; short b. has; long short

) 4children. look at the elephant!

a. come with b. come here c. come to

) 5. _at the giraffe. it’s __

a. look; tall b. look; long c. watch; tall


1. look at the giraffe.

2. it has a long nose.

has small eyes and big ears.

4. it’s big and fat.

5. i know all the animals!


black, and, white, is, (

so, it, tall, (

monkey, look, that, (

has, it, a, tail, (

how, many, know, you, do, (


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