2019级第二学期口语考试 全新版

发布 2020-02-26 16:15:28 阅读 8160








1、 考试简介:口试成绩占英语期末考试成绩的25%,即:

学期总评成绩=(期末考试成绩x 75%+口试成绩x25%)x 70%+平时成绩x 30%

2、 考试性质:考查学生的语音语调,测量学生就日常话题进行交谈和就所熟悉的主题进行口头交际的能力。考试内容紧扣《全新版大学英语综合教程2》、《全新版大学英语听说教程2》。




注明:part i 为全新版综合教程第二册1-7课要求背诵的段落,可通知学生提前准备。背诵段落参见教材。

part ii的问答是老师从全新版综合教程第二册1-7单元题中选择某个单元的主题,围绕这个主题,要求学生即兴回答问题(可参考7套口语测试题,不向学生提供问题,学生无需准备。)

part iii 情景对话,选择《全新版大学英语听说教程2》1-13单元课文中的会话练习,可通知学生提前准备1-13课的情景对话,口语考试以学生抽签决定。


考试评分标准有三项,即"语言的准确性" 、话语的连贯性"和"语言交际是否积极主动"。口试总分为100分,分为a(85-100)、b(75-84)、c(60-74)和d(不及格)四个等级。为方便考官记分,特制定等级标准表供参考。

recite paragraphs 12-14, unit 1

part ii answering questions

1. how did you learn english at high school?

2. how do you learn english at college?

3. are you employing new methods helpful to the study of college english? if so, what are they?

if not, why not?

4. what do you think of the method of “teaching by holding his hand”?

5. in terms of english learning, which do you think is more important, creativity or basic skills?

1. a and b talk about the climate in changsha. a thinks the climate here is terrible.

b doesn’t agree.

2. you are going to attend a party tonight, but you don’t know what jewelry you should wear. you ask your partner for suggestion, and then you talk about your f**orite keepsake and memories with each other.

recite paragraphs 19-22, unit 2

part ii answering questions

1. do you know sam walton? what kind of person was he?

2. h**e you ever been to wal-mart in changsha? what do you think of shopping there?

3. does being rich mean you live a completely different life from ordinary people? please explain a little.

4. sam walton, the richest man in america, carried on like plain folks. do you think it’s strange?

5. if you should become the richest man in china, what kind of life would you like to live?

1. a has read an article about a famous person. he/she is talking to b about the person.

2. talk about your ideal house with your partner. what does it look like?

what color is the house? how big is it? and how do you feel in the house?

test 3

recite the comments on father made by sean (lines 60-64), unit 3

1. do you always understand your parents? give some examples.

2. do your parents always understand you? give some examples.

3. what do you think causes the generation gap?

4. what do you think is the key to bridging the generation gap?

5. suppose your father is in front of you now. what would you like to say to him?

1. a and b talk about music. a likes pop music/folk music very much, but b prefers classical music.

2. talk with your partner about the most interesting or unforgettable party you h**e ever attended, describe the food , place, type of the party and the theme for the party etc.

recite paragraphs 10-13, unit 4

1. what is your attitude toward the digital world?

2. what are the positive effects of a virtual life?

3. what are the negative effects of a virtual life?

4. which do you prefer, a virtual life or the real life? why?

5. what do you do on your computer nowadays? how much do you rely on it for company?

1. a tells b that he/she saw a strange thing yesterday. b feels surprised and asks a some questions about it.

2. you are going out to eat after class. with your partner, discuss which restaurant to go to.

recite paragraphs 9-10, unit 5

1. how do you cope with obstacles in your daily life?

2. do you think dreaming contributes to success? why or why not?

3. what, according to the writer, contributed to michael’s success in pole-vaulting?

4. what was the particular obstacle in michael’s pole-vaulting career?

5. what is the main factor leading you to academic success? is it dreaming, hard work or something else?


一 单项选择题 共10道试题,共30分。1.不伦不类 中的第二个 不 字声调该读 d a.阴平。b.阳平。c.轻声。d.去声。满分 3分。2.资源 一词的正确注音是 a a.z y n b.z y n c.z y n d.z yu n 满分 3分。3.你开车要多注意啊 这句话中 啊 实际读为 d a...


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