
发布 2020-02-25 17:11:28 阅读 7503

units 1-4)




一、 交际用语(每题2分,共10分)


1. -morning maggie. could you talk briefly about your career development?

a. good morning, mr. marx. i’m going to do a brief about my latest work and performance.

b. sure, mr. marx.

thanks for giving me this opportunity i started as a clerk in this company…

c. sorry, mr. marx, but i don’t like my boss at all.

i think he is too serious and critical.

2. -kathy, i’d like you to meet maggie jacobs.

maggie. you’re doing a great job.

a. i’m pleased to meet you

b. it’s great to see you again

c. i’m happy to meet you too

3. -good morning

---good morning! i need a check to send to my publisher in new york.

a. what can i do for you, madam

b. what do you want to buy, madam

c. why do you come here, madam

4. -what are they

---it’s a secret. but i’ll give you some hints, anyway.

a. is it a secret

b. can i h**e an idea about them

c. why do you keep it a secret

5. -butby swot?

---it stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

a. what do you mean

b. how do you know

c. what is your meaning

答案:1. b 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. a

讲评:1. 这组对话是问候用语,根据英语的表达习惯选择b。

2. 这组对话是问候用语,根据英语的表达习惯选择a。

3. 这组对话是购物用语,根据英语的表达习惯选择a。

4. 这组对话是日常会话,根据英语的表达习惯选b。

5. 这组对话是日常会话,根据英语的表达习惯选a。



答案:6. c 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. c 11. c 12. a 13. c 14. a 15. b

讲评:6、考核短语 relate to。

7、考核短语 be responsible for。

8、考核短语搭配 lead and motivate a team。

9、who don’t speak your language修饰 people。

10、考核短语搭配 a key person。

11、考核短语搭配 return the profits。




15、考核短语figure out用法。

16、考核短语prevent from用法。


18、考核短语engage in用法。

19、考核短语in advance用法。



英语阅读中大多是演绎性的文章,即从几个小的方面对主题进行阐述,可分为几个小的段落进行阐述。同学们要把每一段落的第一句话(一般都是主题句)理解清楚,然后就要注意紧跟着主题句后的诸如 but, however, moreover等表示关系的词(一般被称为信号词),要特别注意它们后面的内容。阅读理解题型一般分为:




21-25题 21. f 22. t 23. t 24. t 25. t


26-30题 26. a 27. b 28. c 29. c 30. a



6. you are the right person for the job that __your application __the advertisement.

a. relates…withb. relates…forc. relates…to

7. i wasdevising sales strategies and targets for the west regions.

a. responsible withb. responsible for c. responsible in

8. i led and __a sales team of 20 people.

a. suggestedb. motivatedc. moved

9. when talking to people within your companydon’t speak your language, you may h**e to use english.

a. whob. whichc. whose

10. if you’re ready, we can go to meet some of our key

a. personalb. personnelc. person

11. finally, they return the __to the people who bought shares in the company.

a. costb. pricec. profits

12. i didn’t know you __a previous supplier.

a. wereb. bec. are

13. whatwe do if the company cut down on ads?

a. couldb. willc. shall

only thing i h**e is this billthe publisher’s name and address __it.

a. with…onb. by…inc. in…on

15. i’llthe exchange rate and service charge and then type up the check for you.

a. make upb. figure outc. carry out

16. additionally, make sure that your password is long enough toeasily being hacked.

a. prevent your account from b. provide your account with c. do away with

17. most banks h**e a section __you set up payees.

a. thatb. whichc. in which

18. business can use free samples to build rapport and __customers __products or services.

a. engage…inb. engage…toc. engage…for…


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