
发布 2020-02-24 09:06:28 阅读 7555




c___为。加油liu xiang on.

hard, and your f___将来 is not a dream.

are looking p___相当 good.

big big world is a very p___受欢迎的 song.

grandma is old. there is something wrong with her h___心脏。


up in the countryside.


can help you keephealth).

ming broke the men 800-meter-racerecord) at the school sports meeting.

is going to goskate) with her classmates tomorrow.



1. the old man was born in the 19th c___世纪。

can t___投 the basketball from any part of the court.

go s___某地方else.

you please give me a f___帮助?

you r___准备好? let’s begin.


i h**e a __机会), i believe i will do better next time.

the football players must __遵守)the football rules.

very nice of you, but i can___对付、拿得起) the box myself.

white __发明)a kind of new medicine last year.

of my teammates fell ill, so he can’t __训练)with us now.



happy family gives a loving e环境for children.

work hard to i___提高 our ability(能力).

rings are a s___标志 of the olympic games.

evening kangkang will go to the movies in the haidian t___影院。

isn’t here now. p___可能 he is at home.


computer will cost at __至少)10,000 yuan. it’s too expensive.

passes the木棒) to jane.

are three pages from kangkang’s日记).

yining is the __获胜者) in the table tennis game.

yuehe is one of the __当代的) writers.



xiang broke the olympic r___and won a gold medal in the 2004 athens olympics.

are l___for beijing the day after tomorrow.

hua, shall we s___the sour cabbage (酸菜)?

you get home from school, you should r___yourself with music.

is always careful, but her brother is always c___


you tell me your reason for___le**e) home in a hurry?

won eightgolden) medals in swimming in the beijing olympics.

basketball in 1891?

is going away for atlittle) a week.

morning exercises is a good way to keephealth).



looks p___today. are you sick?

caught a f___发烧 and had to l___躺 in bed.

can learn a lot on the i___互联网。

box is too he**y. can you help me l___举起 it?

illness was more s___严重 than the doctor first thought.


6.—what do the two people in white clothes do?

oh, they aredentist).

you want aboil) egg for breakfast?

the dentist’sadvise), and you’ll get well soon.

care of your___tooth) or you’ll h**e a toothache.

h**e a fever, you’d betterlie) down and h**e a rest.


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