
发布 2020-02-18 04:09:28 阅读 5142




3、 goon一直往前走 4、lie down整天躺着。

5、 _theof …在…北面 6、turn向左拐。

7、 make beautifuls发出美妙的声音 8、jump跳来跳去。

9the bridge过桥 10open area在露天区域。

11the bench在长椅的上方 12、__your right在你的右边。


14、__theof the street在街道的拐角。


16food and drinks大量食物和饮料。


2、sunshine zoo issunshine middle school.阳光动物园在阳光中学北面。

3、goand you’ll find the panda house.


4the world of birds is the monkeys’ forest.



6、how is your trip __the zoo?你去动物园的旅行怎么样。

7、what can you seeit?你能看到它对面有什么?

8the second turning __the right.在第二个路口右拐。

9、which way should i go __the traffic lights?在红绿灯处我该走那条路?

10、walk __the supermarket and turn left __the first


11、i am goinga birthday party at home this weekend.


12、this is the way __my home.这是去我家的路。

主要语法:1、 冠词的用法。

2、 方位介词的用法一根据句意、首字母、或中文提示完成句子。



1. there is a dog在外面) the gate. i am a little afraid of it.

2. mum is waiting for me at the street角落)

3. if you don’t跟随) me you will lose your way.

4每人)in our class likes english.

5. turn right at the second交叉路口)。

6. where is the银行)?i want to take some money.

7. take the first转弯处) on the right.

8. walk along a small小径) next to the river.

9. pandas like to eat竹子)..

10. most girls are害怕) ghost.

11. there is a supermarket to the东南方)of my house.

12. he always tells me滑稽的)stories.

13记住) that lions are dangerous.

14. the交通)is busy. we should not drive so fast.

15. look at the指示牌),you can’t smoke here.

16穿过)the street,you will see the hospital.

17. you应该)be careful when you cross the road.

18. the宝藏) is under the ground in front of the third tree .

19. we must teach children how to go横穿)the road safely(安全地).

20. giraffes are相当) tall.


1. giraffes eat theleaf) from trees.

2. there is a hospitalcross) the street.

3. these babypanda) mother looks after them well.

4. take the secondturn) on the right.

5. could you tell me howget) to the shopping mall.

6. we are looking forward towatch) the match.

7. there is something under the ground in front of thethree ) tree on the left.

8. thank you forinvite) me to your birthday party.

9. simon tells usturn ) left at the corner.

10. the studentscome ) back from england next year.


susan is inviting john to go to the palace museum. here is their conversation. )

susan: some of my classmates and the exchange students will go to the palace museum tomorrow. will you 1.


john: that 2. sgreat. when shall we meet?

susan: we’ll meet at 8 tomorrow.

john: where shall we meet?

susan: we’ll meet at no. 2 bus stop, and we’ll 3. t___the bus to the space


john: i see, but i don’t know how to get to no. 2 bus stop.

susan: it’s 4. e___to walk from your building to no.

2 bus stop. just turn left at your building. walk 5.

son and you’ll see the traffic lights. then 6. cthe road.

walk towards the park and take the first 7. t___on the right. you’ll see no.

2 bus stop on your right.

john: by the way, do you think it will 8. r___tomorrow?

susan: no, i don’t think so. you needn’t take an umbrella 9. w___you.

john: that’s great. i don’t want to 10. c___it all day. see you tomorrow.

susan: see you.


1 计算 910 2x 1 2x 1 2 因式分解 3 先化简,再求值 1 其中 2 求的值,其中。3求的值,其中。4 解下列方程组。5.已知关于 的二元一次方程组的解与的值互为相反数,试求的值。6.解下列不等式 组 并将解集在数轴上表示出来。12 2 x 1 3 1 7.解不等式组,并写出不等式组...


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宜宾翠屏棠湖外语学校2012 2013学年下期暑假作业。新20xx级英语 no pain no gain 时间 7月8日 一 练习册套卷一套。要求 计时完成 自行评分 并认真改错。是否按要求完成 是 否 签字 二 语音,口语20分钟。要求 大声朗读或是跟读录音20分钟。是否按要求完成 是 否 签字 ...