2023年小学英语毕业试题 大坝中心小学宋明山

发布 2020-02-12 11:46:28 阅读 3821


大坝中心小学宋明山 134***


听力部分 (15分)

一、 听录音,选出所听到的单词(5分)

)1、a、monday b、thursday c、saturday

) 2、a、jeans b、pants c、socks

) 3、a、north b、south c、west

) 4、a、sixteen b、eleven c、seven

) 5、a、longer b、smaller c、thinner

二、 听录音,根据所听单词顺序为下图标号(5分)

三、 听录音,选择(5分)

a、collecting stamps b、go to bed c、fly kites

d、angrye、visit my grandparents

1、 it’s raining. the boy can’t go out to play football

they are very

2、 what’s your hobby? i like

3、 i’m going tothis weekend。

4、 which season do you like best ?

spring。i can

5、 it’s 9:30。 it’s time to


一、 选出下列各组单词中划线部分发音不同的一项(5分)

)1、a、we b、she c、egg d、he

( )2、a、that b、thank c、thin d、thursday

( )3、a、arm b、class c、water d、pass

( )4、a、go b、box c、no d、nose

)5、a、pear b、hair c、chair d、here

二、 看图,根据**写出正确的单词(8分)


三、 选择恰当的一项,将句子补充完整(5分)

)1、my father isactor。

a、 a b、 an c、 the

2、i’m 160cm 。you’re 155cm。

i’mthan you 。

a、taller b、 shorter c、bigger

3、whatyour mother do ?

shea tv reporter 。

a、 do , is b、does , are c、does , is

4、what would you likelunch 。

a、to b、for c、 at

)5do you do morning exercises ?

a、which b、what c、when


a. is it far from here? b. is it near here? c. how can i go to the park?

d. which bus can i take? e. where’s the bus stop? f. thank you.

amy: excuse me

boy: you can go to the park by bus.

amyboy: yes, it’s far.

amyboy: go straight and you can see the bus stop on your left.

amyboy: you can take the no.12 bus.

amyboy: you’re welcome.


1、 does rain from where the come ?

2、 holiday go did where you your on ?

3、 going visit i’m my to grandparents 。

4、 f**ourite what your is fruit ?

5、 play let’s football 。


it is sunday today。 the weather is fine. mingming and

dongdong are in the park。 it is a big park。 they can see many people there。

they come here to h**e a rest(休息) after a week’s hard work and study。 some boys are playing football on the grass。 some girls are singing and dancing。

an old man is reading a news***** under a big tree。 a young woman and her little son are playing with a toy bus。 how happy they are !

)1、there is an old man reading a news***** under a big tree。

)2、mingming and dongdong are in a small park 。

)3、a young man and his child are playing with a toy bus 。

)4、some boys are singing on the grass。

)5、all the people in the park are happy 。

听力答案:一、1、thursday 2、socks 3、south 4、sixteen 5、thinner

二、1、make a snowman 2、swimming 3、water the flowers

4、play the piano 5、h**e a toothache

三、1、d 2、a 3、e 4、c 5、b

笔试答案:一、1、c 2、a 3、c 4、b 5、d

二、西瓜 watermelon 镜子 mirror 画家 artist 兴奋的 excited

三、1、b 2、a 3、c 4、b 5、c

四、c a e d f

五、1、where does the rain come from ?

2、where did you go on your holiday ?

3、i’m going to visit my grandparents 。

4、what is your f**ourite fruit ?

5、let’s play football 。

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