
发布 2020-01-01 11:44:28 阅读 9300


一、 教学目标。



二、 教学内容。


**节选自仁爱版八年级英语p40 , section d ,topic 2 , unit 6)





step1 review

1. ask the students to read michael’s diary of his trip to the ming tombs in 1a , section d ,topic 2 , unit 6 , grade 8.

2. ask the students to pay attention to the form of the diary.

3. ask the students to talk about the forms of the diary.

4. leading:

do you know how to write a diary ? when we write our diaries , what should we pay attention to ? we should pay attention to the forms of the diary , we should use the past tense , except that , we should pay attention to what we mainly write .

we usually write the following : what we saw ; what we did ; who we met ; how we felt , and so on .

step2 presentation

1. show the pictures to the students , and ask the students to talk about the pictures .

2. ask the students to say some sentences about the pictures .

3. ask the students to write some sentences by using the words and expressions given .

1) go camping

2) run after a goat

3) get lost

4) help him get back

4. teach something about the diary .

日记范文。march 17th,2011 thursdayrainy

today, i still went to my mother’s office. my mother was very busy, so was my father. they always live in beijing.

they work hard every day. so i should s**e my money. and i can help them with housework because i am one of my family.

in the future, i will take a job and work. but now i should study hard.





step3 practice

1. ask the students to say some sentences about the pictures .

2. ask the students to write some sentences by using the words and expressions given .

3. write down the diary , and check the mistakes in your own diary .

4. read the other students’ diary , and find out its mistakes , and then correct them .

5. show the good passage to the students.

step4 sum-up

one or two students to sum up the important points in this lesson .

1).the forms of a diary

2).the tense we should use

3).what should we write when we write a diary ?

2. let the students discuss the following question:

what should we do when we are lost?

step5 project

1. read another one student’s diary , and find out its mistakes , and then correct them .

2. write a diary . pay attention to the forms of the diary .



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