
发布 2024-03-31 05:00:12 阅读 7707

sara: i am so happy to be in disneyland. what‘s your f**ourite game here?


ashley: i love the parade and the fireworks.(我喜欢游行和烟火。)

sara: i love mickey’s house. there is a mini cinema in his house.


blair: i love weenie‘s forest. that is a little train goes in strange ways.


ashley: it is very funny. i like the castle of the frozen.

i love disney princess a lot. (太有趣了。我喜欢冰雪城堡。


sara: yes. every princess is beautiful, br**e, honest and kind.


ashley: from the movies, i learn to be a good person like a princess. (通过这些电影,我学着成为一个像公主一样的好人。

)sara: yes, and i understand the meaning of friends.(是的,并且我也理解了朋友的意义。)

blair: you bet.(一点儿也没错。)

sara: what’s more, the food here is yummy, too.(还有这儿的食物也很美味。)

ashley: yes, i love the ice-cream here.(对呀,我喜欢这里的冰淇淋。)

sara: i love the turkey burger.(我喜欢火鸡肉汉堡。)

blair: ok, let’s go h**e fun.(好吧。我们去玩吧。)

【篇二】ashley: mum, are we going to the supermarket, today?(妈妈,我们今天要去超市吗?)

ashley’s mum: yes. we h**e to make a shopping list.(是呀。我们必须写一张购物清单。)

ashley: what do you want?(你要买什么?)

ashley’s mum: i want some fruits. what do you want? (我想买一些水果。你要买什么?)

ashley: i want some cookies. (我想买一些饼干。)

ashley’s mum: you h**e to eat less cookies. they are not good for your teeth.


ashley: all right. then i want some yogurt. (好的。我还要一些酸奶。)

ashley’s mum: you h**e to gargle after eating sweet things anyway.(无论如何在吃完甜食之后你都要去漱口。)

ashley: ok. (知道了。)

ashley’s mum: take a pen with you. we should check one by one after we got them.


【篇三】linda: ms. wong, i just find this book out of our classroom.(王老师,我从教室出来时刚好找到了这本书。)

ms. wong:oh. is this yours?(噢。是你的吗?)

linda:no, i don’t know whose it is.(不是。我不知道是谁的。)

ms. wong:thank you for what you are doing. who lost this book?(谢谢你所做的。谁丢了这本书?)

tim: that is mine.(王老师,那是我的。)

ms. wong:look like we find the owner.(似乎我们找到书的主人了。)

tim:thank you for finding my book.(谢谢你找到我的书。)

ms. wong:you should thank linda.(你应该谢琳达。)

tim:thank you, linda.(谢谢你,琳达)

linda:that’s nothing.(没事。)

ms. wong:you h**e to take care of your stuff.(你一定要看好你的东西。)

tim:sure thing.(当然了。)


im you 我很好。谢谢!1 开学了,你向老师问候,老师回答说 很好,谢谢!im fine.thank you 2 你问候外公身体,外公说 不错,谢谢!im fine.thank you 3 妈妈问你同爸爸外出旅游过得怎么样,你说 啊,不错。oh thats fine.4 你问小妹她们的晚会开得怎...


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寒假到来了,是不是在计划着该怎么好好游玩一番呢?在这里温馨提醒,一场说走就走的旅行固然身心愉悦,但是在学习的道路上,万不可过于松懈,以下是整理的相关资料,希望您过个愉快的假期。篇一 一 新词自测。1.提供 2.进步 进展。3.种类 4.科技 技术。二 根据汉语提示完成句子。依靠 whereyouli...