
发布 2024-03-31 05:00:12 阅读 1372



#is#there#a#cafe#in#the#park? _






( )5. -do#we#like#the#park




篇二】van and ted are twin brothers. they look the same. they are english.

they are eleven. they are in no.15 middle school.

they are new students in class one, grade one. van sits in row one. ted sits in row three.

( )1. van and ted are __

a. twins brothers b. twin brother c. twin brothers

( )2. they are___

a. english b. american c. chinese

( )3. they are___

a. ten b. eleven c. twelve

( )4. they are___students.

a. new b. old c. good

( )5. ted sits___row three.

a. on b. in c. at

解析:从文章第一句van and ted are twin brothers.“van和ted是双胞胎兄弟。”可以得出答案。

从文章第三句they are english.“他们都是英国人。”可以得出答案。

从文章第四句they are eleven.“他们十一岁。”可以得出答案。

从文章第六句they are new students in class one, grade one.“他们是一年级一班的新生。”可以得出答案。

从文章最后一句ted sits in row three.“ted坐在第三排。”可以得出答案。

篇三】my name is jim green. i am twelve. that is my mother.

she is a teacher. that is my father. his name is jeff green.

he is a teacher, too. he is an english teacher. that is my sister, kate.

she is eight. this is polly. it is a bird.

it is a parrot.


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