
发布 2024-03-31 05:00:12 阅读 3466


1 hi/hello,…(打招呼)[hi,tommy.]

2 good morning, …i’m …(跟某人介绍自己)[good morning,miss wang. i’m tommy.]

3 what’s your name?(问人家名字)

4 who’s he?(介绍第三人《男性》)[who’s he? he’s mr king./he’s my father.]

5 who’s she?(介绍第三人《女性》)[who’s she? she’s tom’s mother.]

6 who are you? i’m ….介绍自己身份)[who are you? i’m a postman.]

7 are you…?yes,i am./no,i’m not.(问人家的职业)[are you a milkman?]

8 what’s this/that in english? it’s…(用英语单词说一东西)[what’s this in english? panda.]

9 is it …?它是…吗?yes,it is./no,it isn’t.[is it a cat? yes,it’s molly,a cat.]

10 is it your …?yes,it is./no,it isn’t.(它是你的…吗?)[is it your peach?yes,it is.]

11 my t-shirt is….(介绍衬衫是…的)[my t-shirt is black/long.]

12 what colour is …?it’s ….东西是…颜色的?)[what colour is my coat?green.]

13 i’ve got …(我有…)[i’ve got a new pencil-box.]

14 h**e you got…?yes,i h**e./no,i h**en’t.

(你有…吗?)[h**e you got a sharpener?yes,here you are.


1 i’m not…(我不是…)[hello, not

2 this is …(这是…)[this is my new year’s gift.]

3 that is …(那是…)[that is the huangpu river.]

4 he’s /she’s got …(他/她有…)[he’s got a big head.]

5 has he/she got …yes,he/she hasn’t.(他/她有…吗?)[has she got long hair? got short hair.]

6 he’s/she’s/it’s ….他/她/它是…)[he’s tall.]

7 i can smell/see …(我能闻到/看见…)[i can see the fish.]

8 it’s not ….it’s ….它不是….它是…)[it’s not a a toy.]

9, …please.(购买某一物品时)[milk,please.]

10 let’s ….let’s play football.]

11 i like ….i like dogs.]

12 i don’t like ….i don’t like tigers.]

13 what’s he?he’s a/an ….介绍职业)[what’s he?he’s a doctor.]

14 what’s she?she’s a /an …[what’s she?she’s an actress.]


1 are you in …?yes,i am./no,i’m not.(你在…吗?《班级》)[are you in class two?]

2 where are you from?i’m from ….你从…地方来?我来自…地方。)[i’m from shanghai.]

3 where is …?it’s ….在**?它在…)[where is my crasser?it is under the book.]

4 how old are you?i’m …(你几岁了?我….)how old are you?i’m eight.]

5 here’s …for you.(给你…)[here is a bone for you.]

6 what shape is it?it’s ….它是什么形状的)[it’s circle/********(三角形)/square(正方形)/rectangle(长方形).]

7 how many …?多少?)[how many carrots?two carrots.]

8 can you …?yes,i can./no,i can’t.(你能…吗?)[can you play with us?yes,i can.]

9 i can’t ….我不会…)[***** frog(纸青蛙)/***** camera(纸照相机)/***** crane(纸鹤)]

10 may i …?我可以…吗?)[may i h**e a taste? you are./all right.]

11 what’s on/in …?上/里有什么?)[what’s on the plate?some bones.]

12 it can’t ….它不会…)[it has four legs,but it can’t walk.]


1 how much … plus/minus …

2 what time is it?it’s …(询问时间)[what time is it?it’s seven forty.]

3 is this/that your …?yes./no. (打**时询问对方)

4 give me …,please.

5 i want …[i want an apple,but i don’t want a mango.]

6 what day is it?it’s …(询问星期)

7 don’t ….don’t smoke here,please.]

8 these/those are ….这些/那些是…)

9 what are these/those?they’re …

10 which do you like,apples or mangoes? i like apples.

11 there’s ….there’s a cockroach(蟑螂) on the bed.]

12 there’re ….there’re two baby seahorses in the father’s bat.]


1. chopstick 筷子 困难的 3. city 城市 4 . answer 回答。

5. finish 完成 6. start 开始 7. answer 回答 8. better 较好的。

9. end 结束 10. alone 单独的 电脑光盘 12. bamboo 竹子。

模仿 孩子 15. awake 醒的 16. animal 动物。

睡觉 蛇 美好的 20. tidy 整理。

21. often 经常 22. messy 杂乱的 书架 24. choose 选择。

25. together 一起 26. week 星期 27. suck 吮吸28. thumb 大拇指。

29. un 联合国 30. important 重要的 和平32. world 世界。

33. country 国家 34. inside 里面 35. kangaroo 袋鼠 36. parrot 鹦鹉。

37. aunt 姨、姑 野餐 饿的 40. thirsty 渴的。

41. bring 拿来 42. way 方式 43. line 排、列 44. drink 喝、饮料。

45. forget 忘记 46. clean 干净的 47. thousand 千 48. kilometre 千米 / 公里

49 place 地方 50. visit 拜访 51. building 楼房 52. museum 博物馆。

53. surprise 惊喜 54. everywhere 到处 55. restaurant 饭馆 56. dancing 舞蹈。

57. album 集邮册 收集 59. mountain 山 60. special 特别的。

61. hear 听见 62. nearly 几乎 63. poem 诗 64. festival 节日。

65. important 重要的 66. christmas 圣诞节 67. pretty 美丽的 68. cousin 堂兄。

69. write 写 70. photo ** 71. listen 听 72. ask 问。


一,用am,is,are,h e,has填空。1.what they?they police officers.2.peter my friend.he a bicycle.3.my mother and father happy.they a big car.4.my little dog bla...


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