
发布 2021-06-02 10:55:28 阅读 5504

知识要点。1)英语中的there be 结构意思是“有”,表示在某地或某时有某人或某物。there be 结构强调的是“存在关系”。

there be 结构中的be具有时态变化(is, are, was, were). there be后接的如果是单数可数名词或不可数名词时,be只能是单数形式is或was;如:there is a book on the desk.

there was some milk in the bottle yesterday. 如:there be后接的如果是复数可数名词时,一定要用复数形式are 或were。

there are some books on the desk. there were some books on the desk yesterday.

2)在英语中表示“有”这一概念除了there be结构以外,还有h**e/ has。它们的用法区别:h**e/ has表示“某物归某人所有”,强调所属关系,而there be指“在某地或某时有某人或某物”,强调存在关系。

比较:there is a bus in our school.(只表示存在,bus不一定属于学校)

our school has a bus.(表示我们学校拥有bus这一财产).考查there be 句型的常见题型有单项填空、完型填空、句型转换和改错等。

做这类题时,必须首先认真理解全句的意思,看是表示“存在”的“有”还是“拥有”来决定是否用there be还是用其他句型。

3)there be可以有现在时(there is/are)、过去时(there was/were)、将来时(there is/are going to be或there will be)和完成时(there h**e/has been);还可用there must be ,there can‘t be, there used to be等。

4)反意疑问句的构成:be (not) there?

5)主谓一致:there be 结构中的be动词要和后面所跟名词保持一致,遵循就近原则。


2.对数量提问:how many +可数名词复数 + are there +…

how much +不可数名词 + is there +…

3.对句中 sth.部分提问一般用what’s +地点状语?有时也用what‘s there +地点状语?

be 句型中有时不用动词be ,而用e , live ,stand , lie, seem to be , happen to be ,等。


1. there is some juice in the fridge.

2. there were two apple trees in front of the house two years ago.

ii..用there be或h**e的适当形式填空。

1any pencils in your pencil-box?

2youany pencils in your pencil- box?

3. lucya twin sister, lily.

4a tv in our classroom last term.

5. how many hoursin a day?

6. -how many legs __a tableit __four.

7. -what’s in your bedr

room?a bed, a desk and some chairs.

8.. my parents __two children andfour people in my family.


( )1. there __any rice in the bowl.

a. are b. is c. isn‘t d. aren’t

( )many apples on the tree last year.

a. h**e been b. were c. are d. is

( )many __are there in the room ?

a. apple b. students c. milk d. *****

( )you know if __a meeting next sunday ?

a. there was going to h**e b. there was going to be

c. is there going to be d. there will be

( )is some milk in the bottle, _

a.isn‘t there b.aren’t there c.isn‘t it d.are there

( )a lot of good news in today’s news*****.

a. is b. are c. was d. were

( )pencil-box, two books and some flowers on the desk.

a. is a b. are some c. has a d. h**e some

( )8. there is little water in the glass, _

a. isn‘t there b. isn’t it c. is it d. is there

( )9. -there is no air or water on the moon. is there? -

a. yes, there are b. no, there isn‘t c. yes, there isn’t d. no, there is

( )10. -what did you see in the basket then ?

-there __a bottle of orange and some oranges.

a. is b. are c. was d. were

( )11. _is there on the table?

a. how many apples b. how much bread c. how much breads d. how many food

( )12. there isn‘t __***** in the box.. will you go and get some for me?

a. any b. some c. a d. an

( )13. there __something wrong with our classroom.

a. are b. has c. is d. h**e

( )14. there is some __on the table.

a. apple b. orange c. cake d. sandwich


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