
发布 2024-03-31 02:05:14 阅读 7046

1、爸爸带tony去外边吃饭,爸爸把他介绍给在座的朋友。tony连忙自我介绍,说:我叫tony。i'm tony.

2、susan随妈妈来到办公室,看到妈妈的同事都在,就上前自我介绍,说:我叫susan。i'm susan.

3、芳芳换了一所幼儿园,她对新伙伴自我介绍说:我叫芳芳。i'm fangfang.

4、东东结识新朋友时,总是喜欢首先自我介绍,他说:我是东东。i'm dongdong.

5、一年不见,你长高了好多,奶奶都认不出你了。你说:我是明明。i'm mingming.

6、丁丁不害怕陌生人,他主动打招呼说:我是丁丁。i'm dingding.

7、他没听出你的声音,你连忙告诉他说:我是mars。i'm mars.

8、你很希望那位叔叔记住你的名字,你告诉他说:我是ted。i′m ted.

a sorry!aunt,i really won"t stay here,hope you can konw me ~b but,you are a kid! do youkonw?

aiisn"takid, i can do better b if you do it,i don" allow you eat diner a o,iask my mother at once!sayingyou misuse me, figure out! b i order you go to school in a minute,you can get a car!

figure out a omy god,let"s go! b go词汇:句子:


竹子) 21. when do we use shampoo? (when we was our hair.

)2. where does your mother cook? (in the kitchen.

)3. does an elephant use its nose to pick up things? (yes, it does.

)4. what color are tomatoes inside? (red.

)5. in which season do we put on more clothes? (in winter / autumn.

)6. how many days are there in january? (thirty-one.

)7. which are often thicker, dictionaries or magazines? (dictionaries.)school things(学习用品)

schoolbag,books,sharpener,waterbottle,pencil-c**e,pen,pencil,eraser,rubber,glue,crayon, color-pencil, ruler, sharpenerwhat do you h**e in your schoolbag?i h**e a sharpener.

how many books h**e you got?

ih**egot8books,englishbook,mathbook,chinesebook,musicbook,drawingbook,comic book, computer book, story book, exercise the classroom(教室)

tv set, chair, desk, door, window, curtain(窗帘),floor,schoolbag, light, fan, teacher's desk,table, picture

what can you see in the classroom?i can see a light.

how many lights can you see?i can see 8 家庭)

father, mother, brother, sister, aunty, uncle, nephew, niece, cousin, grandpa, many people are there in your family?my family has five are five people in my father,mother, brother, sister and parents, brother, sister and 's he? he's my 's she?

she's my are they? they're my family.


导语 中国人的英语一般让人认为是 哑巴英语 因为我们做试题很厉害,拿满分,可是口语说起来就笨笨的。为了解决这样的现象十分有必要,从小学生时代开始培养口语能力是非常有必要的。以下是整理的相关资料,希望帮助到您。1 爸爸带tony去外边吃饭,爸爸把他介绍给在座的朋友。tony连忙自我介绍,说 我叫ton...


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