
发布 2024-03-31 02:25:14 阅读 6123


二年级英语 2013.4

出卷人: 审卷人:






早上m___r___i__g 下午a___t___rn__ n 夜晚n__g___t 时间t___m___

手表 w___t___脸f头发 h牙齿 t___th

牛仔裤j__a___s鞋 s___o___s袜子 ss 早餐b__e__kf___st

曲奇c___o___i___鱼肉f___s___汉堡h___m___u___g___r热狗h___t dog

冰激凌i__e c___am 生菜l___t___u___e 桔子 o__a___g___披萨饼p___z___a

土豆p___t___t___布丁 p___d___i___g米饭r___c___三明治s___n___wi___h

汤s__ p 西红柿t___m___to 果汁j___i__ 牛奶m___l__


get dressed

1. a: what does he do? b: he

2. a: what does he do? b: he

3. a: what does she do? b: she

4. a: what does he do? b: he

5. a: what does he do? b: he

6. a: what does he do? b: he


( )2he takes a bath at eleven o’clock.

)3he watches tv at eight o’clock.

)4he goes to bed at nine o’clock.

)5she brushes her teeth at six o’clock.


1. bill eats lunch in the night.

brushes her teeth in seven o’ clock.

3. they combs hair at seven o’clock.

4. i washes my face at ten o’clock.

5. it’s time of dinner.


a组。1. mike brushes his teeth at eight o’clock.

2. mary takes a bath at nine o’clock.

3. bill eats breakfast at seven o’clock.

4. he watches tv at ten o’clock.

5. she washes her face at six o’clock.

b组。carrot cheese pudding cake soup


1do you eat breakfast? i eat breakfast at seven o’clock.

a. when b. what

2.( when do you eat lunch? i eat lunch __12 o’clock.

a. in b. at

3.( she brushes __teeth at 6 o’clock.

a. his b. her

4.( mary __dinner at nine o’clock.

a. eats b. eat

5.( she takes __bath at eight o’clock.

a. theb. her c. a

6.( it’s time for __it’s twelve o’clock.

a. breakfast b. lunch c. bed

7.( the dogsome apples.

a. h**e b. has

8.( the cat has a

a. hamburgerb. orange

9.( do you like cookies?

a. yes, i do. b. hahaaa… c. no, i do.

10.( what do you want to eat?

―i want to eat some __

a. puddingb. water

11.( i want to eat __fish and potatoes.

a. someb. anc. a


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